Tits and Ass (and) "That's one Ugly F*cker!"

I worked last night
Today I pushed through the weariness and with ALL of the dogs in tow, went knocking on doors like some demon Avon Lady in order to capture more cake makers for the open day.
I had another plan. knock on the door, line the dogs all into a row and collectively hit the person opening the door with a whole array of big , hopeful smiles, and a bit of the "tarrrrrahhhhhh! " factor
Yes all tits and ass!.........we were playing the showgirls card!
And it kind of worked!
I have now managed to win over 42 people to bake for me in addition to the 13 people who have promised raffle prizes ...... peoples' kindness is very touching.

Yesterday a woman with a car boot full of bantams  stopped by with a sob story and a winning smile....She needed to find them a new safe home...
sod ya!
You all know how the story ends........
take a look at Phylis Diller there in the middle

A local stopped by this afternoon and took one look at the hen and said
"That's one Ugly "fu*ker!"
He ain't wrong!!!!


  1. I loves me some Phyllis Diller every once in awhile. She was on a soap over here a couple years ago and really spiced up the story line. I'm figuring you had on full regalia when going door to door...hope you shaved!

  2. Anonymous1:41 pm

    She's not ugly...she's unique. That is one rock 'n roll hen.
    Seeing as you took her bantams, I hope you hit her up for a donation to either cakes or prizes.

  3. babyjohn
    I will but the bantams up for sale on the open day...its all extra money for charity!

  4. Shaved what Ron? His legs?

    Honestly, that poor chicken. Everybody has a bad hair day.

    Why I woke up this morning with hair just like that!

  5. That is simply the cutest ugly chicken I have ever seen.

  6. John, John, John...................

  7. Did you get your donation from this smiling lady with the sob story? For taking her hens off her hands? mmmm?
    Oh I see now your going to sell them as a fund raiser, well that works but I would keep Phyllis she is so cool. Still the lady should have given you a donation toward their feed and care :O).

    42 cakes? How many people are you expecting? Wow that's a lot of cakes! Do you sell those for donations or the people eat them all while there? I have forgotten, I am sure you have said but now I can't think. As a matter a fact I can't think of when your open day is either now. Obviously I need more coffee!

  8. ok July 17th I found it.

  9. You are such a pushover!!! With a heart bigger than Texas. Good idea to sell them for charity.

    Glad the cake promises are piling up. This event will be such a success.

    I think you ought to have an on-line name your pig contest, too.

  10. gail
    I will.
    It will be on line around the 12th of July!

  11. LOLROTF! Sorry can't talk right now! Gotta run to the bathroom! LOLROTF!

  12. Well she is not a beauty but don't give her an inferiority complex - to another (male) of the same variety she would be a show-stopper.

  13. I don't know, John. There's about three weeks until the big event. By that time, you'll be attached to those chickens, and they won't be going anywhere.

  14. Your ugly chicken must be from Texas. They like big hair over there.

  15. Ooooooh, love your Phyliss Diller! You are such a softy! That is one reason I adore you! That and your sense of humor!

  16. I think she's beautiful! Poor thing being labeled as ugly with big hair on here... she may need years of chicken therapy (like chicken soup but much more expensive).
    What kind of chicken is she?

  17. I think she's a frizzle
    I am hopeless on these fancy breeds

  18. I don't think she's ugly either and would love to have a hen like that.
    I bet she looks funny running about!

  19. John, your mind never stops, does it!? Good thing because you'd end up with one pile of orphan chickens.

  20. Car boot bantam sandwiches? What's LOLROFT?

  21. Phyllis Diller had a funny line about her hair...."you think this is a hairdo, wrong, wet toe in a hot socket". Another was when she had a picture of a girl in a big furry hat...."think this is a hat, wrong, overdose of hormones, you should see her chest,it's flat but it's fluffy!" She was quite wonderful.

  22. I must admit, I think she's quite special !
    Well done on all the commitments for baking, that's a lot of cakes and pies to raffle off, unless it's a Tombola ?

  23. Oh my, it must have taken her ages to get her hair like that and as for the hen...she does look rough doesn't she, poor love. But remember, beauty is only skin deep! lol S x

  24. Round here they pay a fortune to get hair like that. Does she have a tattoo just above her left boozum (to quote my Irish English teacher from school).

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder......

  25. That Diller chicken is the best ever - how do you keep a straight face when feeding? Wonderful.

  26. Why, I think Phyllis is quite, well, unique in her appearance. Bring her with you on your next walk-about for donations. You already hit up the dog people up, now go for the chicken affecionados.

  27. bantams? is that the name of those chickens with the crazy feathers? we always called 'em "Top Knot hens". They brood really good. Always had alotta chicks in the spring from them.

  28. I've had days where my hair looked like that too.... ;-))

  29. How 'little' is the grey hen there on the left John? You think she'd fit in with me others? If so I'll be putting a winning bid in me good fellow.

  30. john! thats a good idea... she is a little snuffly at th moment so let me quarentine her for a while
    but shes yours if you give us a good donation!!!!!

  31. She's a beauty!!!

  32. She looks like a keeper!

  33. I'm going with Phyllis Diller meets Rod Stewart :O

  34. LOVE LOVE LLOVE THEM! Our Beaker was named Phyllis DIller, until he crowed at me one morning. Oops.

    Is that a Frizzle on the right? I want a whole separate coop of bantams one day.

  35. I love Phyllis... Diller AND hen! Brilliant.

  36. Oh John, how could you!? *gasp* Phylis looks just like my beloved frizzle poland hen. Polands are very gentle,caring souls & if I told her what you said, she'd be most hurt. ;0)


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