Red and Sooty Snot

Well in between blowing great clumps of sooty snot out of my nose and sticking my head up a now blocked stone chimney, yesterday afternoon I went into town to sort out a few jobs and called into the video store ( can they be called video stores any more? ---ok...its more like the dvd rental, very expensive chocolate and sad bastard computer gaming shop!)
anyhow when I was in there Carol, the manageress asked me to post an update on Red the Miracle Quail for one of my anonymous followers who had asked her to pass on her request! duty bound to keep people happy here he is...looking rather bad tempered when I let him out of his house this morning.
The 6 quail are now nearly five months old and I still have not a clue what sex any of them are......all I do know is that no tiny and potentially money making eggs have appeared as yet.....

Right ! off for a brief lie in now!..Chris is bored and a little tired at having a cold cottage ( we need a new Chimney pot!- my efforts to clear the blockage yesterday came to nothing!) I have posted him a cheerful picture of Lily Tomlin opening up the Australian Mardi Gras  in Sydney......perhaps we should organise our own Trelawnyd Mardi Gras? there's a thought
Me and Auntie Glad in kitchen foil on the back of the red faced welsh farmer's hey wagon doing  Priscilla, Queen of the Desert


  1. If you organise your own Mardi Gras then I shall expect to see you dressed as a quail.
    Are there courses on how to sex a quail I wonder? With chicks of the ordinary variety I find that the comb begins to develop first - don't know whether it applies to quail as well.

  2. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert... wrapped in tin foil like an oven ready quail?
    And I thought life was quiet down here in Dorset :))

    If you really REALLY want a sparkly glass and diamante bracelet like the one you didn't win then I'm happy to send you one- but you'll have to promise to wear it (and do a manicure to match the colour!)

  3. Please just don't go looking for any ABBA souvenirs...

  4. Hope the following is useful!!!

    The males can also be distinguished by listening for their little calls of pee pee pew.

    Taken from:

    Re the chimney, get a man in. xx

  5. Store? When did I miss the entry about you emigrating to the States?

  6. Someone from my very remote childhood village starred in Priscilla Queen of the Desert and I was totally shocked! We so should have Mardi Gras. x

  7. You've excelled yourself with the title, John, and - as usual - provided plenty of scope for innuendo, which I have resisted again.

  8. Wouldn't you need an awful lot of quails to make any dosh from them? Here they're sold 'oven ready' etc, in packs of 6, at about €6. That's probably about 80p each. Could that be done in the UK?


    I was curious and went looking for photos and info. Hope this helps. Our California quail have topknots. Beautiful birds.

    Hope you get a new Chimney pot or the chimney cleared soon. Please post a photo of a chimney pot. It is the top of the chimney?

  10. bel.
    the shop is CALLED the Video store!!!

  11. SO you actually were up a chimney! Thought it was a 'set up'!
    Yes, Mardi Gras in a quaint Welsh village......I can see it now!!lol

  12. I heard Lily being interviewed on CBC radio the other day. She's awesome!

    I wouldn't mind some quail. I'll watch to see how you do with them.

  13. I`d love to see your own Mardi Gras! Sexing quail is something I`ve never tried although it seems you could find out something on the web about it.

  14. And I would imagine you wear your 'pants' when you visit - which would alarm us English speakers enormously!

  15. I will admit, I just got up, but it seems to me it's not that long ago since you had hired a sweep, now your chimney is blocked? I don't believe I would hire the same fellow! I thought sweeping was only necessary on a yearly basis??? Have you tried the chains? How about lowering a brick and swinging it gently? Sigh, what a pain!

    Nice to see Red - do all the quail look alike? Maybe you have all one sex?

    A Mardi Gras in Trelawnyd? Not enough time to plan Fat Tuesday is on Tuesday! Then it's all over...

  16. Just read back about Red, bless him. He did have a traumatic start to life didn't he? I'm glad he's doing well now.

    I don't know if it's just a local thing but they used to use hens to clean chimneys. Either chucked up from the bottom or dropped down from the top.
    Or have you already tried that and that's whats causing the blockage?!

  17. Are you a secret comedian? You never fail to make me laugh! Thanks for the chuckles! xo

  18. Well Councillor - it's up to you to spark things in the village now. You'll need to hire a Brazilian samba band - dressed of course in quail feathers!

  19. Hello lovely john

    Quail don't lay during short winter days, you might find you get a few eggs soon. However they come in to lay at 6 weeks old, hmmmm. Also males would be fighting like anything, unless there are no females at all in the mix.
    Red looks female to me.

    Ha ha sorry thats about as helpful as a chocolate teapot on a summers day.

    BTW I had a beautiful baby boy a few days ago, I've called him james. He's gorgeous.


  20. John, are you sure the chimney blockage isn't just Santa left over from Christmas? Although he'd be pretty ripe by now.

    I read Red's back story - what a little miracle!

    All this talk of Mardi Gras, and I've never even been - not even in all the years I lived in Atlanta, not so far away!

    Nancy in Iowa

  21. Hurrah for Red! I second the call for a Mardi Gras in the village. Oh, and admirable restraint, Tom!

  22. So, having lived an unutterably dull and sheltered life these past several years, I had to go Google "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". Somehow, in my beleagured brain, that explaination got crossed up with yesterday's 9000 mental repetitions of "chim-chiminey", while the Enigma Variations played in the background. I think I need a bit of a lie-down, now.

  23. Good to see Red is doing well!


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