Benidorm Series 4

The new series of the sit com Benidorm is a bit of a cracker and perfectly captures the blue collar Bits abroad!
This clip reminds me of my good friend Ruth....who always had a bit of a party piece regaling the crowds with the story how she was on holiday for the first time with a boyfriend when she was 18.
Hoping to impress him, she slid down a water chute similar to the one in the clip and as she was not used to the local seafood lunches.....she opened her bowels on the way down when wearing an all in one WHITE bathing suit!
Apparently several quick minded elderly ladies with a couple of plastic rubbish bags ran to her rescue before boyfriend could see the "skunk" stain!


  1. What a delightful story!

    But I love the Benidorm show - I hope Johnny Vegas returns later in the series

  2. Oh, YUCK!!!

    The video was cute ~ the story...not so much.


  3. I agree with Nancy K.

  4. I'm going to have to go with Nancy and Sharon on this one

  5. but apparantly all true....
    Ruth tells it better!!!

  6. It's a great show isn't it! Had me in stiches at the weekend. I swear Madge is getting darker by the minute. One of my work mates came into work today looking rather orange - over did the sunbed at the weekend. So, I said you look like Madge, now she hasn't watched the I showed her some photos of Madge from the internet...lets just say she was not best pleased with me!! lol x

  7. Mark: the writers had a stroke of genius bringing his South African sister into the show!
    N, K, & S......
    sorry, not a nice story! lol
    SMIFFY: be careful you can be done for slander...or is it libel?

  8. Hilarious story, John... and loved the video.
    Thanks for the comment on my kitchen~ come over anytime and you can cook for me in it! *giggle*

    (By the way- your header pic made my day. Very curious chickie! hehe)

  9. Benidorm TOM or Ruth?

    Ruth is an amazing lass, broad lancs with a deadpan of the best nurses I worked within sheffield

  10. see
    for a bit of ruth background!

  11. Clip was funny - why we don't go to places like Spain, Majorca or the Seychelles for our hols. JohnG, you could've spared us the 'skidmark' story! LOL!

  12. What a funny video! Thanks for sharing it.

  13. Very nice. If you haven't lost your bottom with a strange man in a pool then you haven't lived.

  14. That's hilarious! Love the boy coming up with the knickers on his head.


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