Geek Alert

Men are geeks
Its a fact of life.
It is not a criticism , it is merely an observation!
Readers may think that I am just a bit of an animal geek ( what I don't know about hen psychology can be written on the back of a postage stamp!) but the real truth of my geek abilities centre around a phenomenal /sad bastard knowledge about every 1970 disaster movie
(In 2001 when I started a Film Studies degree at Sheffield University I  even got a merit for my essay on "The role of women in the disaster Movies of the 1970s")
There is a geeky blog that I regularly visit....affable psychiatric nurse Dan  over at provides an eclectic look at the modern world and also provides in his sister blog  "The Midnight Movie Club" a wry look at those non arthouse but nevertheless entertaining movie productions of the 1980s and 1990s!
Dan and I met when he took four Indian runners off me to augment his little poultry flock and recently he asked me to wax lyrical over my three most favourite disaster movies (my ramblings have been recorded and added to his weekly movie podcast !)-
If you enjoy movies and like to listen to a blokey chat go to his website and give Lee and Dan's Midnight Movie chats a go.....its great fun

I will end with a sadish little postscript. Cora, who has sat patiently on her eggs for nearly two weeks was attacked by another hen who managed to get into her broody box. She was driven off her nest and the eggs were stone cold when I finally came to check on her.
I gave Cora a huge feed then I replaced her non viable eggs with fresh ones as bless her, she remained terribly broody. It is not ideal for an already slightly weakened hen to re sit on eggs but she is so broody there is little else I can do.


  1. Is there still a need for disaster-movies in today's world John? Seems as though - from 9/11 until the present day, every news bulletin has a real one in it.

  2. Poor Cora, she is just getting it, every which way!

  3. Oh dear, life can be tough for a chook. As for disaster movies, I have no comment because I don't think I've ever seen one. Voluntarily, that is.

  4. Never knew, but learning quickly, that hens can be so vicious!
    All men are geeks eh? No one has ever called me that before! But I have been known to act geeky on occasion.

  5. Aw, poor Cora, I hope she has better luck with this batch.

  6. Give Cora a big hug for me.

  7. Sorry to hear about Cora losing her eggs John. I have a little hen that looks just like her that is just recovering from a nasty bout with scaly mite. She is weakened also, but insists on setting 2 eggs herself. I just didn't have the heart to take her off so I'm keeping a close eye on her. Hope Cora remains strong.

  8. How odd Mr Geek, that map at the top of your post shows the Thai island I visited just last week - Koh Chang which means Elephant Island... or am I the only visitor who sees that map?

  9. John-

    Very sorry to hear about Cora's eggs, although the story might lend itself to a good disaster movie???

  10. I quite like Myrna Loy in The Rains Came and Clark Gable and Jeanette McDonald in San Francisco...

  11. EXACTLY Bel
    disaster films were in fact an invention of the 1930s depression!
    They were incredibly popular way back then!

  12. Poor Cora. She was trying so hard and doing so well as a mom and then she got the bejesus scared out of her. I hope she does not pine away too much longer.

  13. It is obvious that Cora needs some security tools. A cell phone ? Mace ? A big stick ? A small handgun ? A big rooster to stand at the doorway. Something man ,something.

  14. donna...she now has a locked door!
    hens can be terribly cruel with each other.... once a weaknessis found in another hen, then they are quite capable to killing the poor victim!

  15. Where does everyone think the term, 'pecking order' came from? We are dealing with dinosaurs here, aren't we? (you?)

  16. Poor little chicken...Hope she can get these ones to hatch unhindered and uninterupted...

    Me and hubby were discussing building a brood-box/nursery and letting our little Leo hatch some chicks this spring...She tried so hard last yr and only got one hatch because of another chicken trying to take over the box and smashing many of the eggs...Sadly the poor chick drowned because of a bad storm at about 3weeks old when it was washed into the duck pond during a torrential down pour.

    Stay Geeky

  17. Poor Cora. I hope the other hen will be sequestered?

  18. The whole point of the disaster movie is the hero. Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Jason Statham...someone saves us!
    Not quite the afficionado you are John, but yes, I do enjoy them.
    Love that you sweet heart is taking care of Cora.

  19. Heh heh ask me anything about Star Trek or Star Wars, and I reckon I could even put mssrs Roddenbery and Lucas to shame with my knowledge!!

  20. John our Helen (the hen from hell) is broody like that. If she turns broody next month I'm going to let her 'set'. Poor Cora...after all that setting. Lets hope that other hen doesn't attack her again. Who'd have thought chickens could be so mean!
    Maura :)

  21. Dan's a grand blogger - been following for three years or so. Always something interesting to say.


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