Dogs and Water

I went up to my brother's today whilst my sister in law did some jobs in town.
He was dozing for much of the afternoon, so I spent a long time sitting in the sun lounge reading the first part of an encyclopedia! which was a bit of a treat as I never do anything so indulgent during the day......I only got through 28 pages of the "A's"
The dogs, given their freedom in the garden spent most of their time playing around the pond, which held a facination for them as it does so often for little boys!
No misshaps this time, on my last visit three out of the four ended up in the water
William, George and Meg all watching some frogs spawn

Constance "stalking" a plastic duck ( she did this for an hour)


  1. John, all your babies are beautiful. It looks like spring there. I don't think winter will ever end for us, if we don't have snow, we have rain. I love to bitch about the weather.

  2. Way to persevere, Constance!

    Not a single mishap? Who says you can't teach an 'old dog' new tricks?!

  3. John,
    "The kids' are adorable...and so well behaved I might add considering there were no mishaps? gosh, there's something to celebrate!!!

  4. Love how all your dogs look so "ruffled" Looked like a lovely day at your brother's. Did you read about Alaska in the encyclopedia??

    Constance cracks me up, she is adorable! xo

  5. Hey John G--would so love for you to join up with Farm Friend Friday tomorrow. You are always a kick and we love your posts :)

  6. So nice that you could visit with Andrew and let the dogs have fun in the garden. How is Andrew doing these days? Tell him that I admire his garden and pond!

  7. Dogs in water? A recipe? Where's the seasoning?

  8. I love all of your dogs...they have such character. A very beautiful garden.

  9. Hello John!
    What fun! Wish we had a pond here on the's on the wish list though ;) I think a pretty pond like your brother and sister in laws would be made into a lifeless mud hole with our Shep around though. I hope your brother is feeling better and that you had a wonderful day!
    Maura :)

  10. I can't believe that you were there for that length of time and no one went in the water. Constance makes me smile, every time I see a picture of her. Imagine her stalking that duck!

    Speaking of Constance. Have you met that nasty dog again, or has Constance put him in his place, once and for all?

  11. The dogs probably look forward to their visits there.....something new to explore and watch. Great shots.

  12. I love these pictures and particularly the one of Constance stalking the duck. She is so intent on her stalking.--Inger

  13. OMG so love the duck stalking pic. Hee hee what a hoot your critters are. :O)

  14. William and Meg your Teddy Bear doggies and then Constance. Just cuteness I tell you! George is a cute fella too.

    Looks very pretty where you were. Sunshine and green, you can't beat that!

  15. All the dogs are adorable! I'm envious of the green grass. We are months away from that.

  16. Oh, it looks so lovely and spring-y there. If I don't see a bit of grass pretty soon, I'm afraid I'm going to go 'round the bend. Love the beautiful shots of the dogs. I'm very surprised they weren't in the pond inspecting the frogs from a much closer angle. Constance looks so intense in that photo! Glad you all had a nice visit at your brother's house! K

  17. My old Fox Terrier/Jack Russel sat and watched a concrete rabbit for over an hour, daring it to move! Vive Constance.

  18. i want to just SQUEEZE constance!

  19. When the world gets so complex, it's wonderful to turn your attention to a dog's life... how could something so simple as the love they bring, bring so much. I miss my dog when I hear these stories.


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