A Winter Wedding in Sheffield

One of Sheffield's newer city centre Buildings
  Sometimes you just know that the warmth of catching up with old friends is well worth the effort,time and expense of a winter's journey.
Yesterday in a surprisingly easy trans Pennine rail trip, I descended into a somewhat snowbound Sheffield, to catch up with old bud Mike and to attend "Bel-Ami's" daughter's wedding "do".

The Christmas Tree in front of the Town Hall
  Despite my country wellies and woolly hat, it was  delightful to be back in my "home" city...and even nicer to have the briefest of vacations from animal husbandry and village claustrophobia!
I got to Sheffield at 3pm, checked into my hotel ( a treat from Chris), then had a mooch around the city centre as thousands of Sheffielders now free from the week's blizzard conditions, literally did the same.

The Christmas lights at Tudor Square
 I absolutely loved being "one in the crowd" and ambled around the Winter Gardens and the  Peace Gardens before stopping for a coffee in the  Millennium Galleries. I perused the books at Waterstones in Orchard Square, did a circuit of John Lewis and then, fully re urbanised went to meet up with Mike in All Bar One for wine, gossip and much chuckling

 At 8.30pm we caught a taxi to the Kenwood Hotel in Netheredge and arrived fashionably late for the wedding reception!
Weddings by definition are highly good natured affairs, and last night's "do" didn't disappoint . I caught up with more old friends , drank too much gin and woke up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed and very happy after a rejuvenating "touching of bases"
It was lovely to see Mike, John (aka Bel), Bev and of course the bride...the gamine Elizabeth
Mike, Bel Ami,Filo, and fat bastard me
Part of the city centre this morning
The weather West of the Pennines was glorious this morning and the early rail journey home  was enhanced by a group of nine university students who embarked on a lively, intelligent and interesting debate on the merits of drone warfare in the seats behind me.
Polite, informed, opinionated and bright these young things  gave me an abject lesson in the positivism and optimism of youth......it was a welcomed change to listen to them talk----especially as the conversation was free of the usual vulgarities, celebrities and sex....subjects usually discussed by your average teen!
Who says a university education doesn't pay eh?

Anyhow now its back to normality.....to farting bulldogs, messy footprints in the kitchen and a field full of chattering beaks to feed............sigh!


  1. John, thank you for sharing your trip to Sheffield. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    I don't think you look like a fat bastard. I think you look rather handsome.

    I don't care what you say I bet it was nice to be home.

  2. Looks like you might win the coronation street poster ! unless any one makes a better offer ? x

  3. John...glad you enjoyed your trip back to northern England's cultural metropolis but even though I say it myself, there's a lot to be said for rural life - the peacefulness, the familiarity, the relative simplicity. That's closer to how human beings were meant to live.

  4. pud
    spoken like a city dweller!!!

  5. Looks like an interesting city and a 'manageable' size.
    Now that you are rejuvenated and rested, get back to work!! lol

  6. Sounds like you had a great time - now - On with the motley! LOL!

  7. Oooo, those nightime pictures make me want to go to the city, and I never want to go to the city! Sounds like a great trip.

  8. You are off the hook John ! Coronation Street pictures have now made it to £10 in our little auction thanks to the generosity of Linda ! fingers crossed they may make a bit more ! thank you for bidding x

  9. Sounds like a fun trip back home. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one with messy footprints in the kitchen.--Inger

  10. John, I really thought you would have a wonderful time and I'm so glad you did!! I think Beverly (first comment) is right, I also think you look rather handsome, and I already wear glasses!! Does my saying that make you blush? 8-)

  11. Wow!

    You clean up good.

  12. I think you look very distinguished ( and I AM wearing my glasses ! ) You could have joined in that lively debate & they would have thought you were a learned academic & not a chicken poop scooper ! ( though more & more people scoop chicken poop these days ! )

  13. So glad that you made it - it looks wierd seeing my subject matter on another blog! PS You do look really handsome. xxxx

  14. Middle class marks are awarded to John Gray for:

    >...ambled around the Winter Gardens and the Peace Gardens before stopping for a coffee in the Millennium Galleries. I perused the books at Waterstones in Orchard Square, did a circuit of John Lewis and then....

    Oh, wait...

    >...went to meet up with Mike in All Bar One for wine, gossip and much chuckling

    Marks deducted...failed at the last hurdle. Such a shame.


  15. lol
    middle class does what middle class does

  16. John - I may be a city dweller now but I grew up in a village that had a population of just over 300 so I believe my view of rural life is quite pragmatic.

  17. Poster now up to £25 !! Yah !

  18. Lovely Christmas tree lights... thanks for sharing.

  19. Awesome pics..thanks so much for sharing xx

  20. Sounds like a great time and looks like a great city.

  21. Anonymous6:29 am

    Well, you can take the boy out of the city but you can't take the city out of the boy, can you? It's always great to touch back to the roots, even if you don't actually want to live there! I'm GLAD you had such a great time, John. :-)


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