Mitten demonstration

It was so cold this morning that the dawn air actually hurt the lungs slightly when I took a big breath I said in the video......thank goodness for my new mittens!


  1. Great Mittens. I'll have your snow please. No snow but have got frozen water bowls.

    Missed The X Factor last night - was hoping for a glimpse of Matt here today !

  2. We're supposed to be getting it today down here in the south, hope not, your video was cold
    Lovely Mittens though, double insulation for the fingers !
    Lets hope it thaws soon, its the animals that suffer, not only yours but all of the wild life.

  3. John, how I wish I had had a pair of your mittens this morning, 27 degrees. I don't suppose your lovely neighbor sells her mittens?

  4. Another award-winning video, John. Keep 'm coming. BTW, Her Indoors is a Sheffield lass. Judging from your accent (and your email address) I would say that you share the same birth place?

  5. I was thinking of you yesterday when I was looking at 'chicken houses' and I posted a picture of them on my blog--I really would love some chickens, but it's mornings like the one you're having that show me the 'reality' of having them...burrrrr...glad you had your mittens to keep your hands warm, now don't lose them!! ;-))) Stay warm John--I enjoyed your little video!

  6. tom
    I was thrilled to think I still have a tiny bit of yorkshire in my accent...
    born and bred in wales but I left here to live in york ( my psychi days) then 16 years in Sheffield!!!
    I miss the south Yorkshire accent!!!

  7. We got snow yesterday and I rushed out to make a snowman (picture on my blog) because I thought it wouldn't last long but it looks like it'll be here for a while with how cold it is.
    The novelty wears off when you've got to traipse through the house to fill buckets of water because the outside tap's frozen!

  8. Just seen your comment. I've got a South Yorkshire accent - born in Barnsley and brought up in Doncaster.

  9. Wonderful mittens, very handy in that kind of weather.

    I love your accent, it is almost musical. If you heard my voice, you would think you had been dropped into "Deliverence"...very southern twangy!

  10. that cold air in a morning, cleans your sinuses out doesn't it?

    Its when its cold enough to freeze the moisture in your nose that is gets worrysome!!

    Gill in Canada

    P.S. Not that cold yet here.....

  11. Love the mittens, John - and it looks like they didn't come a minute too soon, either. BRRRRRRRR! Makes me cold just watching your video.

  12. Brilliant mittens! You're a trooper John, looking after all those animals. Stay warm.

  13. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Dear John, How bitterly cold it looks and what a problem looking after animals in this severe weather. The mitten-gloves are ingenious, the double insulation must be a boon just at the moment!!

  14. Nothing is better than a good pair of mittens! And those fit the bill!

  15. Ah yes, six long months of cold and snow. At least there's that satisfied feeling one has after caring for all of the animals and making sure that they are all fed and and watered and have a safe, dry place to stay.

  16. JOHN - Two things
    1) On my Derbyshire walk I tried to break the ice in a sheep trough until I discovered that it was all ice with no water beneath. Poor sheep!
    2) Could Mrs Hopkins knit you a small Matt Cardle doll to cuddle through the winter nights?

  17. Superior mittens, John! You were fortunate that she thought about you enough to make them for you!

    Pretty darn chilly there too!

  18. yay for warm hands and the mittens! thumbs up!

  19. Loved all the animal sounds in the background. Just yesterday my friend Elizabeth and I were at the local museum which hosted a juried crafts show. A lady there had a booth of repurposed mittens made from old sweaters and such. They were very lovely but I did not buy one because I did not think I could handle 4 dogs on a walk while wearing mittens. Anyway I have lots of gloves, but they were so cute. Like your mittens. Very sweet! xo

  20. You do still have your South Yorkshire accent - but not much dee dar. And youve muckied your lovely gloves. nxxxx

  21. mrs Hopkin's famous mittens have been quite a talking point!!!!!

    boy am I interesting!?

  22. I want a pair of mittens like that! Warmth and dexterity, all in one set. Perfect for shoveling snow and for taking care of the critters, all at the same time.

    Now, you just need a nose warmer.

  23. I am so not a cold weather person! Brrrr it looked cold there!! Such nice mittens!

  24. Clever design!
    Cold and snow just makes all the chores harder.

  25. We got rain - 13mm yesterday and a massive 50mm last night for 63mm in 24 hours and more on the way today. The yard is so soft under the grss that you can feel your boots sinking into it.

    Like your mittens - clever design!

  26. I am going to ask mrs hopkins o make you ALL a pair!!!!!!!!

  27. Oh goodness! It has been in the high 70s here...some days I wish we had snow and cold...

  28. Sorry John, if I make a video it'll be silent. I hate the sound of my recorded voice - I sound like a young boy!

  29. Anonymous5:29 am

    She KNITTED those?! Please tell Mrs. Hopkins for me that I am, for all time, her devoted fan. I can crochet perfectly well, but for some reason I can't knit a line of three stitches to save my life. I applaud her skill and I applaud her patience. Bravo.

    No, really. Bravo, Mrs. Hopkins.

    ;-) Dia


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