Donated chickens

Jacki,the dog groomer has enough on her plate. She has three adopted children and two youngsters of her own, so she hardly has time to devote to her grooming business. She keeps perhaps a dozen customers now, including our three dogs, and states she enjoyed grooming them because they are so well behaved.
Today it was George's turn for a cut and brush...I have used around 2 lbs of his hair to plug the gaps in the hawthorn hedge on the field......apparently foxes HATE dog hair.

The unwanted wellsummers arrived this afternoon, and a pretty trio of hens they are too.
I have not got a hen house to set them up with on their own, so I have bunked them in with the ghost hens, who are all now laying small but very welcomed brown eggs.

My aunt Judy is coming for dinner tonight....the weather has been so bad I have spent the afternoon baking apple pies and comfort food like creamed cabbage and cauliflower cheese
It has been a nothing sort of day


  1. The Welsummers are beautiful, as I knew they would be.

    Have a nice dinner tonight with your aunt. All that food sounds delicious!

  2. PERK? Creamed cabbage? I have never had creamed cabbage. I will be needing that recipe please :O), I love cabbage! Sauerkraut, Sauteed with butter, Coleslaw, Relish, Raw as salad instead of lettuce... ok drooling on the keyboard now.

    Your new hens are pretty. I am thinking 2 more Leghorns will be what is added here. They are not the prettiest chickens for sure, but they lay very well!

  3. I'm with Texan...recipe please John. I have a half a cabbage sitting in the fridge right now that I am at a loss as to what to make with.
    The hens are pretty...and, thanks to you, no long unwanted.
    Why are the others call Ghost hens?

  4. Oh John! Get out of here! When do YOU ever have a 'nothing' sort of day! I can smell those pies from here. We'll be right over for a slice!

  5. George is gonna be so pretty! What a good boy he is! I bet she wouldn't do mine, she would tell me to take my squirmy things home!

    Pretty hens! How do the Ghost hens feel about their new bunk mates?

    MMMmmm, creamed cabbage and cauliflower, real down home comfort food. I could go for a piece of that apple pie!

    I could probably eat anything about now, Hazel was here - late and just left, she WAS going to go to the store for me, but it wasn't in the cards. She is thorough, but slower than molasses in January! I know, don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

  6. Creamed cabbage? Sounds nice! Recipe please? New chooks look great!

  7. Anonymous7:56 pm

    The ghost hens are all laying!! I am vicariously enjoying their surprising life of escape more than I can say.
    You go girls!
    The wellsummers may be unwanted by some but they really are lovely birds.
    I'm very curious to know if the dog hair works as fox repellent. I've never heard of that but am agog with anticipation.
    Cabbage is also delicious in Thai food...btw, do you ever sleep or have you given that up for the joy of pure, unbridled activity? You seem dizzyingly busy all the time. :-)

  8. The Welsummers are pretty John!! How many eggs are you getting a day? Are you selling, or gifting them?

    My idea of comfort food is something in the crock pot, or anything with macaroni and cheese! :-) I hope you have an enjoyable evening!!

    By the way, I thought of you this afternoon, a fox was right by my front porch eating bird food.

  9. Hi John, the new chickens are beautiful :) Sounds like a wonderful dinner for you and your Aunt. Wish I were coming too!

  10. Congratulations on your latest additions. You'll be in triple digits soon.

  11. When's dinner???

  12. George looks like a little gentleman standing there getting groomed. How precious. Hootie is a good fellow when getting groomed too, but BabyRocketDog is a real pip. If I want her to get off the bed all I have to do is pull out the hair brush. Hope your dinner with your auntie was fun!

  13. I didn't know about the dog hair thing ! The birds nick Dillon's hair for their nests.


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