Welsh Reality

Wales is not known for quality television. The welsh language station S4C reminds me a little of the 70's scheduling I was used to as a child ( all cheap and rather clunky). But just occasionally something interesting looms out of the mist. On Monday BBC Wales starts its SNOWDONIA 1890 "reality/historical/experiment" where two families, the Braddocks (from South Wales) and a local North Wales family (the Jones' from Denbigh where my brother lives) take up the responsibility mountain small holding for a month, but do so within  strict Victorian parameters.
OK, OK, it is a tried, tested and totally artificial scenario.....we have seen it all before, but this production, from what I can see, has the benefit of some detailed and meticulous research, a particularly tame white Sussex hen and some feisty actors who have been conscripted into playing the "local characters" such as the local Minister and butcher.
I'd love to give this sort of thing ago...the costumes pander to my slight enjoyment of the theatrical ( I can see myself in that very fetching hat the guy on the right has on!) and the "pulling together in adversity" is all very disaster movie-ish!
Alas, I don't think that welsh reality tv is ready for a middle aged camp old queen with a love of poultry, dogs and Bette Davis movies...just yet!...............hummmmm perhaps next year eh?   


  1. They're ready for you John - I'm sure of it, though you might not be old enough yet - I'm not sure about the other qualities. From the way you describe yourself, it could be a sort of 'Matt Lucas meets All Creatures Great and Small' sort of affair.

  2. I think you'd be perfect!

    You should give it a try ~ what have you got to lose?


  3. You could be on "The A List" show on the gay channel her in the US. It is the gay version of the housewives of Atlanta.

    Unfortunately, BBC-A, shows reruns of Star Trek, endless Gordon Ramsey and occasional documentaries on very odd people with obsessions on breasts and dolls and so on.

    Is Hyacinth Bucket still alive??

  4. I can answer Jim's question (hope you don't mind, John) Ms Bucket, or the actress who played her, sadly died a few months ago.

  5. I like those "back in time" shows, to watch, not to participate, have already done the pioneer thing. LOL! I don't get BBC at all anymore, since we downsized on our programming. :(

  6. Hey John, this could be your chance to legitimately 'act out' so to speak! You would probably be quite good....knowing how you are with everything else you do. I love historical reinactments/dramas.

  7. Patricia Routledge (aka Mrs Bucket) I am afraid alive and well Tom

  8. Keeping Up Appearances is still shown nightly here in the US in some parts. I remembered her first name.

    I just discovered a pretty good show on BBC-A today. Come Dine With Me. You could do that one, John. You could do your lashings of treacle and then throw a bun. (just joking)

  9. I think you would be perfect for this. I too would love to give something like this a go.

    Gill in Canada

  10. I don't know that I could do something like that. I'm too infused with modern technology.

  11. Go for it! You'd be great!

  12. Bro,
    Wish I had known, I tried talking Tim into going in for it when the appeal for families to apply was first broadcast, Ha
    Ann x


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