On to some more good news

This morning , I read with some interest about the forthcoming canonisation of the Australian Nun Mary MacKillop Melbourne Born MacKillop, a nun who had a lifelong love of caring for needy children, was excommunicated from the church in 1871 for her role in exposing a sex abusing priest  but was later exonerated before  being beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995.
This recognition of a "modern day" good, and God fearing woman will, I hope do the Church some good. It's about time it had a bit of good press for a change...I wonder if Mary will become the patron Saint of Abused Children........? That would be a good decision me thinks


  1. If they sainted her, it might help to excommunicate a few hundred priests at the same time. That would show a level of sincerity beyond the need to find a focal point to divert attention toward the 'acceptable' face of the Catholic clergy.

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  3. humm..... I was just enjoying a nice story!

  4. Good grief - at the exact moment I was reading this the story was told on the radio news. I'm glad that justice prevailed for such an honourable woman.

    I'm not religious but have heard that praying to Saint Anthony to find lost things really works !

  5. Mary McKillop "Patroness of the poor", or, as known in Aussie lingo - "Patroness of the battler".

    Sure, abused children need a patron saint but Mary McKillop stands for more than that.

    btw - my neice, Sr Mary Ephram (Van Oploo), today took her final vows with the Conventuual Sisters of St Dominic at St Brendan's Church, Ganmain, NSW Australia.

    For those unfamiliar with the dominicans and Ganmain I suggest you do a wb search - very enlightening!

  6. It is good they have recognized her good deeds...a little late but I guess, better late than never.

  7. John,
    nice to see an aussie getan award...so to speak!

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  9. Yes some good news for a change. But I'm afraid I don't trust the 'motive'. The RC will fast-track a person to sainthood when it is convenient for them to do so.
    Not that Sister Mary doesn't deserve the recognition. Still a nice story John!

  10. Anonymous10:52 pm

    I love this woman. How extraordinary that she would have stood up for the children clear back in 1871. Social attitudes were so different back then...well, they actually excommunicated her for it which just goes to show! I can see why she would be known now as Patroness of the Battler. I think I'll be enlisting her help next time I'm girding my loins to battle some social injustice!

  11. Kind of reminds me of the movie "Doubt" with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams altho this takes place in the early 1960's (I think). Good movie, and as someone who attended 12 years of Catholic School, a VERY accurate depiction of the power that priests had in the Catholic Church and woe to anyone (particularly a woman) who spoke out against them.

    Thanks for the post, John. We can ALWAYS use good news.


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