Nige and the Supermarket

Nigel is an easy guest. He is  one person that does not require "traditional" entertainment organised for him; he hates swanky restaurants, ( a greasy spoon  or a diner is more his taste) and I couldn't quite see him propping up the bar at a city centre wine bar, but we did find plenty to do when he paid Chris and I a flying visit yesterday.
Mind you, the things Nigel "enjoys" could be seen as somewhat "different!" than the norm...whatever the Norm actually is that is?  
We walked a lot, we talked a lot and we had a mooch around a dying town's decaying indoor market ( Rhyl looking remarkably  like a scene from the Bronx's backstreets).The scenes of urban deterioration that we witnessed is like candy to a baby to Nige, who loves people watching on, shall we say, alternative situations!
We also took Nige  to Sainsburys to complete the weekly shop which I KNOW sounds somewhat bizarre but it is something that he enjoyed........which was a result!!!! necessary shopping AND entertainment all in one outing!
I did take a photo of us all in the car park larking around but  deleted it by accident!

Anyway Nige left for Manchester later this afternoon and I got back to the tried and tested . I moved the six quail babies into their large parrot cage in the shed. Red remains well and robust and can be seen here drinking water from a spare plastic pastry case above (before you ask I know it is him as he has a longer yellow mark on his cheeks compared to the others!) now to watch Strictly Come Dancing.......and as I do...I must thank everyone who asked kept up with Red's progress....isn't it amazing that the fate of a one inch chick could and would generate so much discussion


  1. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Boy, is that a smile that looks like trouble. :-) Nigel looks like a real character and a lot of fun. Easy guests are definitely a rare commodity and to be treasured when they drop by.

    It's so great seeing a photo of Red drinking water. I admit...I really am invested in the welfare of the little guy/gal (do we have any idea yet?) and I love the fact that you're keeping us abreast of developments. thanks!

  2. Red even has a fan in New Zealand! Thanks for the photo.

  3. Glad you had an interesting visit from Nigel, er.. rather glad you gave Nigel and interesting visit. He does look like he's about game for anything!

    Red and the troop seem to be doing very well! A parrot cage home seems to be perfect!

  4. I love it when visitors don't want to do what every else wants. Sounds as though you enjoyed a fine visit!

  5. I've spent the last 15 years watching the progression of the Peregrine Falcons here in Bath, then the last 2 following Perergrines nesting on the church in Derby, via a great webcam, so it comes as no surprise to me that the world has become fixated on Red the Quail.

    Perhaps you should set up a webcam on Nige's box, then the 18,000 or so people that seem to peep in on your menage could also peep in on his? Maybe not!

  6. Soul mates, for sure.

  7. You look like you're privy to a standing joke, and only the two of you know the answer ;)
    Always nice to have a friend that mucks in, no airs and graces, just
    enjoys your company, and you his.

    Sad to read that Rhyl is in urban decay, do people still go there for holidays and weekend fun ?
    Is the Mad Mouse still on the seafront ?
    Little Red doesn't look any worse for his adventure, he'll probably be the warrior out of the whole bunch....oh wait, he is !

  8. rhyl has died
    and basically should be ripped down and re built in my opinion

    the mad mouse has long since gone I am afraid! ( so has most of the holiday makers too)

  9. As our Dame Thora would say..."flop".

  10. I can't get enough of those baby quails :-) I see them and want to scream(!) they are just the most darling,adorable little nubs of fuzz and I tell you, I just can't stand it!

  11. Thanks for the L'il Red update. He has endeared himself to us for sure. Also nice to finally meet Nigel.


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