Mixed Bag, Red the quail, Flower Show Meeting and Supporting Andrew

Chris was up early again today. He is working away tonight and has all of the high pressure lifestyle so typical of a PhD at the top of his game. He loves his work, so the pressures of deadlines and workload will always be there.....but I do worry that his downtime is non existent at the moment
It was still dark when he left this morning so I walked the dogs early ( they were not amused) and fed and watered the runner ducklings in the shed. The quail have been set up in their own brooder box on a trestle table and all six babies (including "Red" the miracle baby) are doing just fine. They remain absolutely tiny, but I guess like all game birds,  they are robust, tough little fellas that are designed to withstand the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!

Last night we held the first Trelawnyd Flower Show committee meeting since the show was held in August As usual it was a lively bunfight of a meeting with plenty of ideas being bandied about Auntie Glads kitchen. Auntie Gladys is quite deaf, especially in company when there is constant chatter, so contents herself with preparing copious amounts of tea and buttered scones when the meeting is in progress, but having said this,  the meeting went so for so long last night ( we had to thrash out the new 2011 schedule) that she did flag just a little when sat next to her kitchen aga, and started to doze in her arm chair before we called it a night!

It is my sister-in-law's birthday today and my sister and I will be calling up later with gifts and cards.Janet (twin sister) has really got the bit between her teeth with developing her blog site, facebook page and fund raising efforts in order to support our brother Andrew and his progressing illness. Generally, Janet has always been the more reticent of the four siblings ( I am sure she wont mind me saying that) but with  determination and drive  she has single handedly turned into a bit of a warrior queen, in organising event after event AFTER event in support of this new cause.
Thank you to all of Going Gently's readers who have supported her (and me) by taking the time to comment on her blog http://supportingandrew.blogspot.com/ and by buying the MND (Motor Neurone Disease) charity bands
You all have been very kind and I am very grateful for your efforts believe me!
(Above is a photo Janet took of a local dance group all wearing their MND wrist bands)


  1. Happy birthday to sis. Just read your last post & have a lovely warm feeling now. That chick was determined to be here !
    If you get the time, do pop over for a giggle ( especilly the comments )

  2. I am so tickled Red has made it this far. I wondered if he/she would make it.

  3. Loving the dance group! I must tell you to keep an eye on my blog for my guinea fowl babies if they hatch...they are our 4th lot so we are hoping they make it...

  4. Some people really thrive on a pressing job, (but they die younger too, the two of you need to go on a vacation)
    So glad that the little quail are all right and made it through the night.
    Janet is doing a bang up job on her blog, now that you've gotten her going. She's fun to visit!
    You have a good rest of the day and I will continue to try to wake up!


  5. I'm glad that Red is doing well. Now that he's with his siblings, can you still tell which one he is?

    Janet has really dug in and done a great job. Lot of backbone in that woman!

    Make sure you check my blog today. I took you up on your challenge.

  6. Way to go, Red!!
    The scones and tea sounded good...I could use one just about now....a tea break that is.
    Our pleasure John to support such a very good cause.
    You and Chris have such very opposite lives at the moment. They do say that opposites attract.

  7. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Y'know, I've been trying to leave comments on Janet's blog but they don't "take" for some reason. Grrrr...could my security settings be too strict or am I just electronically mute? Anyway, until I can figure out what the problem is I've at least added her blog to the blogroll on mine. She's working for such an important cause!

    Glad to hear Red is thriving! Best of luck to Chris on his grant!

  8. Since I'm a fairly new follower this is the first I've heard of Andrew's condition. I'm very sorry. So glad to hear that the babies are doing well and I'm especially fond of the newest baby quail's name too, since that's my nickname!


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