The Dog Whisperer

Meg looking worried

I walked the dogs around Axton yesterday. Located just a mile South of the Village., Axton is  a small collection of houses and farms.. As we ambled past my friend Eirlys' farm we passed an old chap who was walking the other way. I had not seen him before , and presumed he was a farmer ( by the way he was dressed) and he stopped to chat in that sing/song way  fluent Welsh speakers always do. We talked about geese (he told me he sells goose eggs in season) and he shared a few "tricks of the trade" when it came to fox protection and hen care, which I found fascinating.
He also made a huge fuss of the dogs informing me that he was able to ascertain a dog's personality by just looking at it....and by the side of the road I asked him to give all three dogs the "once over"
Briefly the man looked at William and said quickly "he's a nice dog with a good heart" Meg he described as "highly strung,occassional aggressive and clingy" and George was summed up  as " Bright , Happy and a  real joker".  
"How was that?" the old guy asked, and he was highly amused when I told him he had summed up all three dogs perfectly.
We chatted on for a while longer and then he tipped his hat and wished me "all the best " before ambling away


  1. I think you've got a new friend John who sounds just delightful!

  2. There is something faintly magical, even folkloric, about this little sketch. Who was this figure and, given your familiarity with the area (I think we drove through Axton* on Saturday morning), why had you never seen him before? Unsettling and intriguing in equal measure.


    *The place name Axton is intriguing, as it sounds 'odd' compared to many of the other local place names, although recent politics (the last 100 years or so) might have erased their earlier (ancient) British names. Is there a river or stream nearby? I think 'ax' is (?)Celtic for water or river, and 'tun' the (?)Saxon for farm/settlement, but I could be wrong.

  3. It sounds like a delightful chance meeting. I hope you meet up with your new friend again!

  4. Wow! That is a talent for sure! I wonder if he can do the same about people? What a great by chance meeting of a new friend!

  5. Maybe you have made a new friend? Is George happy, that would be a good gauge on if he knows his business! LOL! I hope that is true.

  6. Now that's amazing! We could all listen a little more to the older folk around us. They have acquired lots of experience and knowledge that is usually overlooked. What a great 'meeting' for you John.

  7. cold reading,guesswork.......non verbal communication..... who knows....
    he was entertaining nevertheless

  8. Meg looks like the doggy version of a teddy bear. So cute.

  9. Oh, I think that there are people like that, more closely attuned to the animals that live among us. Maybe we all used to be like that, but lost the skill as we became more urbanized.

  10. Now does he do this over the airwaves? Can he figure me out to a 'T'? Probably!

  11. Reminds me of this old joke:

    Man goes into pub and sees other man at bar next to a large dog. Asks the man, "Does your dog bite?" Man says no, so he bends down to stroke the thing, receiving a severe bite.

    "I thought you said yer dog didn't bite!"

    "It's not my dog".

  12. What a lovely chap - I think Nigels comment is funny!

  13. I loved reading about this little tidbit of your day. You must have the type of personality that people are naturally drawn to.

  14. First up a lovely photo of Meg. Has she got a boy friend!
    But getting back to the man did you glance back and if so was he still there!!!! Spooky Mulker!

    See Yea George xxx

  15. Hmmmm, interesting and spooky all the same time.

  16. Very interesting John. I love old people and I would have enjoyed chatting with the old fellow. He obviously knows least dogs anyway. I hope you see him again.
    Maura :)


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