The Ghosts and Mrs Muir

Cinema Buffs will understand this.......but the Ghost Hens' new companion has been named....and what else could I call her but Mrs Muir.....


  1. Good way to remember her name!

    I love that dear old movie....

  2. Of course! The perfect name! I enjoyed the movie, and watched the tv series faithfully (one of the few who did, apparently, as it was canceled after two seasons.)

  3. Yes..I get it...I remember the TV show from the '60's...loved it. header...Niiiccee!!

  4. catching up with your blog, couldn't stop laughing at your post about breaking wind while climbing over the fence. How is the Weight Watchers diet going?

    Such a lot going on with your allotment. I too thought of Tracey when I saw that potato, that girl has a reputation now doesn't she!!!

    great posts anyway,

    Gill in Canada

  5. Perfect name will there be a Rex Harrison going to turn up? It was Rex Harrison wasn't it?

  6. yes rex and Gene Tierney I think!!!

  7. You must have been a baby when that was 'aired'!

  8. the tv series? wasnt that in the late 1960s??
    I was perhaps 7!
    as i recall Mrs Muir was played by HOPE LANGE, ( who played the rape victim Selena in Peyton Place).....
    you know It never fails to amuse me that the oddest blog entry will often cause the most comment!!

  9. I loved "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir"! Such a gentle show, and such a good name for your gentle hen.

  10. Anonymous4:06 pm

    I own that movie!! Loved it and the TV show. So is the hen house now Gull Cottage? Hello Mrs. Muir...nice to meet you.

  11. Yes! Very appro!

    Loved the Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison version, not keen on the Hope Lange version.

  12. Clever... But neither of the Ghosts resembles Rex Harrison.


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