Live Theatre has always been an important part of my life. For many very happy years I was treated to free theatre tickets by my art critic friend Jonney, and experienced 1000's of very happy hours getting totally lost in ballet, plays and a whole array of musicals. It widened my limited expeiences of live productions and gave me an appreciation of the goo and the fine!

To me, plays have become synonymous with friendships! Les Miserables ( friends Judith, David and Cheryl) Phantom of the Opera (Nia), Bombay Dreams (Nu), I could go on and on and on.....

Of the hundreds of musicals I have enjoyed, It was the Sheffield Crucible production of Fiddler on the Roof that really lingers in my mind. I think I have never seen such an uplifting and moving production before and I remember me and John left the theatre literally on cloud nine after sitting through almost three hours of pure joy

This song is from the 1971 film version .


  1. Very melancholy - Yes! I can appreciate it, but sometimes it hurts!

  2. oh I adore this piece. Laugh if you must but I sing it(I am a terrible singer) to my daughter every time we discuss how much she has grown. Every time I buy a larger size shoe for her. Every time she starts school for the new year..

  3. What a great musical. I grew up listening to that music, my mom loves Fiddler on the Roof.
    When the movie came out we went, when the soundtrack came out she bought it and listened to it all the time.
    Several years ago now I got to take my parents to see an excellent production of the play, definitely one of the high points of my life.

  4. eric,
    the production I saw in sheffield ended with an awful tableau underlining the death if the jews in the nazi camps tear jerking


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