Nancy!!! read em and weep

Now I feel I must defend myself here a little, when I wrote the following statement in my blog Bliss dated 8th of August!

"Our bed is quiet! and empty.....without the usual cacophony of grunts,farts and dog dreaming woofs it is now a haven of peace and tranquility where I can spread out in peace and decadence....
I was in fact referring to the dogs farting and grunting...not Chris as Nancy K seems to think I was:-
Nancy K. said...
John! If Chris is really that obnoxious of a bed partner, why not ask him to sleep in a different room?
Much better than slamming him publicly like this

Now I have spent many blissful years sharing a bed c/o Dr Chris and in doing so would NEVER complain about any possible farts or grunts believe me!!! ( the odd bout of teeth grinding perhaps! and I absolutely cannot stand the way he gets up in the morning happy and singing like a bearded Julie Andrews!)

But all in all I wouldn't change the old git for anyone one else.(I suspect he would love someone cleaner with an Oxford accent and floppy hair!!!)
We bicker and spat like two old ladies out shopping but we are soul mates in the truest sense of the word
hey ho


  1. glad you cleared that up, felt I didn't know you well enough to comment but I was wondering...

  2. My lady had to go back and read "Bliss" again. Shows something about always having dogs around because it never ever occurred to her that Chris could have been the noisemaker. I like that photo !

  3. Isn't it wonderful when you can spend your life with your soul-mate!!

  4. No confusion here John ;) Just wanted to say good and try not to fight with any women with ugly babies....I wouldn't want to miss the laugh! Heading up to British Columbia Canada Friday to see my family...'see' you in two weeks. Maura :)

  5. Now that was just funny! I can see where you would want to set the record straight though!

  6. Hmmm, didn't confuse me either. You're so lucky to have found your soul-mate.

  7. Huh! I didn't take it any other way except you went to bed sans dogs! Those little buggers take up a lot of space and wiggle and squirm AND fart and dream all night, didn't enter my mind about Chris!

  8. What is it with you calling everyone Julie Andrews? LOL Poor old git!

  9. Too funny!
    I love the photo of you and Chris.

  10. Well I can tell you anyone owning a Boxer dog would immediately think dogs=gas. lol. Boxers are quite well known for their erm how should I put it, stinky gas. It will send you out of the room I tell you. LOL

  11. You could have a Great Dane that are famous for silent stink bombs! oog.

  12. Hang on, I thought you slept in your chicken coop?

  13. Good for you. A good partner is hard to find. And, you know the other part of that. And, for those of us that have slept with dogs, I don't think we misunderstood. Lane

  14. LOL Now you are funny as Hades. "bearded Julie Andrews' Love this description!

  15. Thanks so much for stopping over to see me! Love seeing all you have going on - all the way on the other side of the world. Bearded Julie Andrews cracked me flat up. I often reference myself as a 'Concentration Camp Julie Andrews' since I cut all my hair off.

  16. I knew right away it was the dogs you were referring to.

    Really, how could have anyone thought you meant Chris???

  17. ROFLMAO...

    Oh, John. Of course I knew that you meant the dogs! I was just teasing you.

    I forget that the computer just doesn't transmit humor/wit/sarcasm like the human voice does.

    Although you manage to do a pretty good job of it on your blog.

    It must just be me...


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes