£12.50 a worm

Ann, my elder sister runs the Prestatyn Flower Show, and this year she organised a " Worm Charming" competition in order to publicise the main show which takes place at the end of July.

Chris' eyebrows did a Mr Spock when I informed him this morning that he was worm charming in my team (we are representing the Trelawnyd Flower Show!) and reluctantly he grabbed hold of the cheap rake we had bought for the occasion and smacked hell out of the metre square of vicarage garden lawn for the allotted half hour.

My sister Janet (below) took the plot next to ours and employed some nifty footwork in her efforts to raise the worms from their slumbers. but the little buggers remained stubbornly elusive!!!

I think the organisers forgot that we have experienced one of the driest summers for many a year, and the lawn was like a slab of concrete, but after 30 minutes banging, shouting and sweating Janet had found just two worms and we had found two!!! The other 8 teams managed a somewhat disappointing 3 worms amongst them

The adjudicator ruled in our favour! (one of Janet's worms had died of shock) and we won the prize money of 25 quid....which was a real bonus.


  1. How funny!!! I saw a program some time ago about worm charmers and had such fun watching all the differant methods to get those worms to come up.
    Congrats on the win!! :)

  2. That's funny..worm charming...never heard of it lol....and your description priceless.

  3. Now I've heard everything! Never know what your life will produce next, John. LOL

  4. Worm charming is a new one on me. Looks like a lot of fun to me, and something I'm going to keep in mind for our next FLTAP fund raiser.

  5. Huh... never heard of such a thing, interesting, that might have been handy when I was a kid wanting to go fishing. Huh... they actually come to the top? Amazing. You learn something new every day!
    Good for you on your win! (I have no idea what a quid is worth, but sounds great!)

  6. Worm Charmer...well now you can add another notch on your belt of accomplishments John. Well done! Have a wonderful weekend...Maura :)

  7. quid = one pound = 1.5 $

  8. OOOOOOOOOOOOkay! Thanks, John! Kinda like a buck is a dollar, I see.

  9. What a great idea! Must keep that one in mind for one of Rotary's "Village Fare Market Days", or, our annual "Riverbank Festival" (latter complete with yellow plastic duck race from weir to weir!

  10. I had never heard of worm charming until earlier this year and posted about it. It's quite the sport internationally!! Well done on your prize money,

    Gill in Canada

  11. I love it!! A worm charming contest made me laugh. When I was growing up back in Pennsylvania we used to go "night crawler" picking. Once the sun went down and the grass started getting moist we'd go out with our flashlights and be all stooped over capturing those big, old worms as they ventured into the night air. Heaven forbid that one would break in half as we'd pull it from it's hole. Eeeek!! The fatter the night walker, the bigger the fish it would catch. We kids would also sell them to folks for bait since we had a lake right in front of our summer house. High finance.ha!


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