Welcome to Germany

I have just noticed that there seems to be a regular couple of readers from Germany! A fact that is a little intriguing to say the least. None to my knowledge have post a comment! But I am grateful that they are following what rubbish I have to spout here


  1. Hmmmm, you might be talking about me! I am German, and I follow your blog with fascination every day. You sometimes call your life boring but to me it is ever so interesting. Your allotment, your dogs, your interaction with other people, and your little disasters (like day-old knickers hiding up your pants leg) could fill a book. I am glad you're blogging!

  2. iris
    nice to have you on board
    knickers and all!!!

  3. LOL John...day old knickers in your pant leg ...you make my day! I had that happen with a pair of pantyhose years ago...ya...I don't know how I didn't notice it when I put them on! By they way...I just looked at your garden gate (thanks for sending the link) and I did see it before and thought it was gorgeous! What is that growing on your arbor? A clematis? I also LOVE the stone wall...I'd take stone any day over a wood fence. You lucky devil you. Have a great evening! Maura :)

  4. What is it they say (at least here in the states), "one mans junk is another mans treasure?" I think your blog is a real treasure John, I love to read the rubbish you have spoutted out!! :-)))

  5. We are having fox problems too. Have you read the hints in red at the bottom of of this page?


    You could try the urinating trick... and get some hair from the hair salon. The zig zag entrance to a pen is a neat idea. Our dogs already pee along the fence line. I'll have to ask my husband about this. hee, hee...

    I've also read about hanging used bits of hand soap in apple trees to keep deer away. Wonder if it would work for foxes? I can try it.

  6. Oh John do be careful, that fox will be back. I use all the traditional remedies, just in case they work - urine watered around the perimeter, human hair and combings from the dog, sonic deterrent, fencing where poss, but still they just wait for that one time you're careless...

  7. ....umm I'm getting unwelcome comments from some Chinese sex site !!

  8. I'm going back a post to the fox problem.

    This is an elaborate solution, but it works for my neighbors. They raise alpacas, and we live in coyote country. They have a double fence (like a moat) all the way around their pens, and Great Pyrenees dogs patrol the "moat".

  9. iris! you must be a good blog archive reader...the time where my underpants fell out of my pant leg in the garage was ages ago!

  10. Re: hints at http://www.downthelane.net/Page_27.php

    We use the 'urine trick' to keep the big Eastern Greys (kangaroos) from coming up onto the fresh grass at the Wyangala camp at night. They are so noisy, grunting and thumping all the time, and keep us awake. An 'old-timer' told us of the 'urine trick' and it worked. I and my two gransons (and any male visitor that calls in for a "coldie") have designated spots - the grandsons call them their 'Pee trees' - and it definitely works.


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