Remembering Ivy

This is the view from our living room window and I am presently sat here waiting for the water to heat up for a bath (the goslings have relieved themselves all over me on our early morning garden bonding moment)
Iris' comment tickled me. She remembered a post that I made ages ago about a somewhat wayward set of underpants
This morning I remembered another embarrassing incident that happened to me almost 26 years ago now to the day!,
I was a student nurse in those days and worked in an old Chester asylum (they were asylums in those days!) . I was placed on a long stay ward, where most of the institutionalised patients had been there for most of their lives. The surroundings were austere and functional, but the patients in those final days of hospital based mental health care were well looked after and for the most part happy.

One day I was asked to take a long term schizophrenic patient called Ivy into Chester city centre for some shopping.
She was a neat, sweet looking elderly lady, who smoked constantly and spoke little, so I had no real worries taking her out. Like a grandson with his gran, we ambled arm in arm around the shops, had a coffee and bought Ivy her weekly "treat" to herself of cigarettes and sweets. Throughout the jaunt, Ivy remained polite and appropriate and seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.
Before we caught the bus back to the hospital, Ivy asked if we could have a browse around Browns of Chester ( the flagship department store) so we walked in to the busy cosmetic department .
Almost immediately a plastic looking sales woman came up to Ivy and with a perfume tester in hand asked "Would madam like to try some of this new fragrance?"
Ivy smiled broadly, she loved the attention of strangers
"Oh yes please!" she replied holding out her wrist to be sprayed
The saleswoman gave Ivy a "squirt" which Ivy inhaled with some relish
"That's lovely" Ivy said "what is it?"
The plastic saleswomen smiled, obviously hoping for a sale and said "Poison!"
There was a pause
I stiffened somewhat worried at Ivy's response....
Ivy nodded and sniffed her wrist again
"It is nice!" she said cheerfully
Then added sweetly
"I knew Adolf Hitler you know!!!!........he had a HUGE cock!"

Have a nice day everyone


  1. Anonymous10:44 am

    Oh Gawd! That was funny!

  2. Great punch line! Great wake up for me! Yep, you never know what comes out a little old lady's mouth - and it can just be life that makes us goofy!

    Have a great afternoon!

  3. An excellent story to start my day!

  4. HA! I almost died laughing! The dogs are looking at me like I am crazy!

  5. Oh my! Thanks for the early morning laugh!

  6. LOL!!! Oh John that was a good one ..I'm wiping the tears away. Sorry the goslings 'got' you...the saying 'loosey goosey' is VERY true! When I got my first Buff Orpington chicks (2) I bonded with them every chance I got. I had them in the kitchen in a plastic storage container with a screen on the top. I'd put my hand in and they'd jump on and climb up my arm onto my shoulder. One day Marrigold flew up onto my head...then she pooped and it ran down my neck and back! That was the LAST time I ever did that. Lesson learned. Have fun with your 'babies' and thanks for the good laugh. Maura :)

  7. Anonymous12:35 pm

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  8. I really needed that laugh this morning...Thanks :O)...

  9. I still can't stop the tears running down my face!! OMG! John, you have a way about you....thanks for this. It got us off our arses and ready for a day of 'thrift-shopping'.

  10. I agree with Sharon-there is never knowing what a sweet darling old lady might say. I have a friend who is in her late 80s, the prime example of a proper southern belle who actually went to finishing schools, her husband is one of the most respected local retired doctors. We were at a garden club gathering and someone mentioned a dish, and in all her proper-ness my friend said oh, my husband gets his rocks off just talking about this dish.

  11. I needed a good laugh this morning. Thanks!
    You must have so many stories from working at the asylum.
    Glad the goslings are bonding nicely. They just want to make sure that you have their scent!!

  12. Ahh, the knicker incident! You can get a lot of mileage out of something that is so funny! I actually came across your blog justrecently but I like to read old posts to see how the bloggers get to where they are today.
    To get from Katja Ebstein to Hitler - now that's what we call a streeeeeeeeetch! But I know, the story was about Miss Ivy, that saucy little old minx! Funny!

  13. It brings to mind, my Mother was staying with me to see her old Dr. We went shopping and being a mother of 4 little kids and on a very limited budget, I dreaded it. She wanted ice cream, I told her in low voice, no, I couldn't afford it. She returned, very loudly, "I'm your MOTHER! Why won't you buy me some ice cream?". I couldn't wait to get out of there, everyone was staring at me like I was so such a bad person!

  14. Such a funny story John....did she really know him then??? lol Sue x

  15. Oh, my!

    Reminds me of when I went to the bone doctor, and a little old lady who was 90 if she was a day, piped up to the receptionist "Is the doctor going to look at my p*ssy? I'm not wearing any underpants!"

    The poor doctor came out and apolgized for her behavior, but we couldn't hear him well, as we were laughing so hard!


  16. Classic schizo behaviour made for a classic tale! (How do I know this you ask? Manic depresive-schizophrenic 1st husband.There were never any funny stories there I'm afraid.)

  17. Boy! Can I identify with being in situations like that! LOL! Thanks for reviving the memories!

  18. A girl out of my own heart!

  19. Ha! Funny~ I love the crazies

  20. I always understood Hitler had exactly the opposite problem - and he was a vegetarian!

  21. Oh my!..was my reaction too. Yes, please tell us more stories from your experiences. When I was a SN, some psych inpatients were taken on a field trip to an art museum. I understand that not all of them had great impulse control and there were these nude statues...


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