A shitty kind of day

I don't have many crap days, but as you can imagine as it has been a pretty shitty fu*king week, today just had to be one of the shittiest!
It has been an amalgamation of factors that has led to all this...all of them pretty insignificant in themselves..but when you add them all together! It's a big soddin hey ho!

1. Blanche squashing all of her chicks flat on her nest
2. After my sister and I weeded the largest of the vegetable beds: a raiding party of Indian runner ducks have stripped the hearts out of everyone of my little gem lettuces
3. After collecting the eggs, I left the bowl full of them on the field wall. When I remembered what I had done, someone had removed all of the hens eggs (the duck eggs were thoughtfully left!)
4. Two of the bourbon red turkeys went walkabout from their enclosure and had to be chased back up the lane, halting a somewhat irritated farm worker in a large tractor
5. Albert has beheaded another sparrow, thoughtfully in the centre of newly laundered duvet cover

and number 6:

The dogs had a mega fight in the living room! I suppose my guess that the canine pecking order had not been affected by Maddie's death was wrong, as out of the blue William suddenly and without any warning attacked George. I must have overlooked the possible reason for it, but when I got to them, both dogs were locked tightly together growling loudly. Meg hearing the ruckus galloped down the stairs and joined in the attack on poor George, and despite being soundly slapped with an enamel jug ( the only thing that came to hand) I couldn't separate them.

After an age, and several blood splatters on the carpet. I ran into the kitchen, emptied the washing up bowl of dishes and hit all three dogs with over a gallon of cold soapy water, which distracted them all for a split second , which was long enough for me to reach down and drag George to safety.

Apart from a few puncture wounds, no one was seriously hurt, however the living room looked as though an elephant had run amok all over the place! George stalked outside for a sulk (above) and the Welsh settled down as if nothing had happened...perhaps they have been unsettled with Maddie dying....after all her presence always seemed to be the steadying influence within the pack. The fight has upset me greatly

To make it up to George I have just taken him for a drive to the village shop where I treated him to a pack of pre cooked turkey slices...... well it me feel a little better!


  1. Oh John: sounds like a crap one indeed.

    I just noticed that ONE FINE DAY is on Channel 4 this evening. A Clooney fix might just brighten the day...

  2. I can only agree, that truly was a shitty day, no other words can explain it any better!

    Yes, Poor George is the odd man out, I suppose the Meg and William figure they outnumber him now. maybe William thinks his mate will be in danger of that single fellow. Animals!

    All that and you not feeling 100%, yep ..... shitty day. Forget the mess till tomorrow, get some rest.

  3. Dog fights always leave me question my Alpha ability.

  4. Gee, John. Glad you were able to get the dogs apart and go for a drive. Yes, you've had one of those pissy days!
    Tomorrow is another day and you can leave this one behind....forever!

  5. yes.......Rhett...after all tomorrow IS another day..........

  6. Miss Scarlet, Miss Scarlet.....*slap* slap*

  7. Oh dear, that's the kind of day when you should just go straight back to bed. :( Hope next week is considerably better!! Dog fights are awful. I used to have two female spayed dogs that fought. It's very upsetting!

    And who stole the eggs? Human or animal?!

  8. Mercy me, you have had a time of it!

    Was Maddie the Aplha dog in your group, as you say now the pecking order has to be established again, someone has to be Aplha. Poor George I am sure the Turkey slices helped to make him feel better, but more importantly it made you feel better :O)

    and someone took your eggs! Honestly...

    Hope you had a glass or three of Merlot after all that!

  9. One crap day is often followed by others. I hope that's the last of them now!
    Frog xxx

  10. Sounds like you need a nice bottle of vino, something sweet and yummy and some beautiful eye candy on the telly.
    I hope all your crap is over now and tomorrow is a better day.


  11. maddie was not top dog but perhaps she was alpha female.....
    howwould that upset the balance between william and george I wonder?

  12. John that sounds horrible with all the violence on the farm. I imagine it made you miss Maddie. What if those dogs fight again when you aren't around?

  13. I have never seen them fight before...except when we first got george and the pecking order was being established....

  14. Bummer. Now you've got me singing, "Things can only get better" Thanks for that ( not ! )

  15. Hey, I found you through Ina In Alaska. I thought I'd come by and say I'm dearly sorry for your loss of Maddie. But, now I see your HAVE had one hell of a day. Poor George. I know that fight must have been awful to see. This behavior and pack order fascinates me because we are currently going through this as well. May fascinate is the wrong word.
    Anyway, I say go get drunk and hope tomorrwo comes quick.

  16. That sounds like chaos. We hope all tempers cool down soon!

  17. Oh poor George...and poor John...it's been one hell of a day hasn't it. Well...'tomorrow is another day' as Scarlet said. Lets hope things go better tomorrow. Keep smiling John. :)

  18. I'm no realy sure what i going oon. It' interesting because she wasn't the alpha dog. I'm going to read some more on your blog and relay this to my vets wife...she knows all about this sort of thing.
    At out house, we have 3 doxies. we have an alpha male and 2 females that want to be alpha. It's confusing beacause one female was a rescue we got in Aug and she is clueless as to where she is supose to be.
    Anyway, I'll let you know tomorrow what I can fnd out.

  19. John, thank you for commenting today on The Jason Show! You seem like a fascinating person living and non-stereotypical life.

    I will see you around!

  20. I suppose that it may be just as in human life. You hear of stories of the matriarch of a family passing and the whole family goes to shit after they're gone.
    Maddie must've had that influence over the others to keep things civil. Poor Maddie. Poor George.

    Stolen eggs on the wall? I thought only pies were stolen off of window ledges.
    Is there a cloud over the house?
    Is there a "Kick Me" sign on your back?

    Hope things get brighter soon, John. ☼

  21. Oh John,I hope this week will be better for you and your animals.

    Gill in Canada

  22. Sheesh, what a day. I was surprised to hear that your Welshies have never fought before. When Hootie(Welsh) and BabyRocketDog(Airedale) get playing rough and Baby nips him a little hard, Hootie "goes Ninja". Only way to describe it. I have no idea if this happens when they are alone, but it's at least a weekly show when I'm home. I'll usually break it up by hollering "Treat!" and that's enough distraction. Hootie is a little hot-head---that Napolean thing I guess.

  23. I think we all have those days on the farm, when everything that can go wrong, does.
    Have a drink or two, tomorrow will surely be better. It can only go up from here, right?

  24. You did have one crappy ass day. Not only are they physically exhausting, but mentally also.
    The sun will shine again in the morning.
    Hang in there.
    Hey, how about going outside and throwing rocks, or grabbing a baseball bat and hitting an inanimate object?!


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