Returning Mojo

I am now bored of moaning. After an early night,(a VERY LARGE wine) and a good night's sleep, physically and mentally I feel a whole lot better.......The busboy Paul Giamatti summed it all up when he said to a depressed Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding "this too shall pass"
and of course yesterday's shitty experiences have now passed into memory.....(er well almost!)
Jane, the slate turkey returned to the field briefly this morning to feed and drink. I was not swift enough to track her back to her secret nesting area, but at least she's still around.

Kate Winslett's single chick is doing ok. I bobbed her remaining unhatched eggs and all 5 were it's just Kate and her baby.

I don't usually name chicks but this single ball of fluff I have nicknamed Constance. I have done this because the name has been stuck in my mind for a few days now. I understand quite clearly why it has lodged there, Chris stated at some time he wanted another bitch to replace Maddie, and I have agreed but not until next year. I have already experienced just how a change in the dog's pecking order can cause mayhem, and I feel it is vital that we don't rush into anything that could upset the apple cart yet again....

Anyhow it has become a tradition that I name our pets. I hate fluffy bunny type names for dogs ,preferring ordinary down-to-earth ones, and dogs in particular need easily recognisable individual names that they can respond to. If we ever get another bitch then I would like to call her Constance or "conn-ie!!"
Today I remembered just why I like the name Constance. It stems from my childhood movie watching days, and in particular comes from the film The Three Musketeers (1948). June Allyson ( yes she of the deep gravelly lisping voice) played the virtuous Constance Bonacieux who was so unfairly killed by the bitch-face-from-hell ,Lady de Winter (Lana Turner). At around 8 years old or so, I remember thinking just how awful it was that Constance could die, and willed that Gene Kelly got to her in time before Milady stabbed her. It was a seminal moment in a movie going childs life, and in retrospect probably taught me a great deal about the unfairness of death.(as well as teaching me to deal with a bit of a hero crush on Van Heflin who played Athos)

Hummm...on further reflection I probably wanted to BE Constance just a little....she was so sweet and likable but was bound to be a bit of a victim in that Judy Garland type mode.........hey I was sooo gay....even then....and even at eight!


  1. Constance is a good name for the chick, I hope it is a girl! It's a cute little ball of fuzz!

    Sounds like you are coming out of your funk, that's a good thing!

    Hmmm, I liked reading the book more than the movie (3 Musketeers), If I recall right.

    I'm sure that all children are aware of their sexuality at an early age, they are just too shy about talking about it then. So many parents are afraid if they use the real words, instead of naughty bits, they wouldn't be so afraid to talk about it.

    Well, I am off to the laundry! Have a good evening! ;-)

  2. Glad you're feeling a bit better John, and I'm glad that Jane came back and I hope Kate's little offspring continues to do well too...

    I am in total agreement with you on the dog names--Of course fostering stray dogs that come from shelters we have gotten to name many of them, and I've never given one a "fluff name," they always are given "people" names...Except for our Golden that passed 3 mos ago that I named Cowboy--It was just who he was...

  3. I adore human names for pets.
    My next boy dog will be Buford or Earl or Cooper, and my next girl dog will be Blanche(from The Golden Girls.)
    My lab rescue Bud was named for his friendly character, Dixie Lee(my dalmatian) was named that because she is way southern with her crooked smile, and Princess-my daughter's dog, is anything but.Kujo would have been more appropriate.
    Our big goats carry food-related names even though we would never eat them,and my little goats are China(she is very Asian looking with her little beard), Tardy(he was born late) and Pebbles came to us with that name-her sire was Bam-Bam.
    I love naming animals.Have been known to name the toads out in the yard.

  4. OMG...I can't believe I didn't mention WINE in my list !!!!

  5. Told you you needed a large glass.

    I've a friend who has a big fluffy cat named Ian, everytime I think about them it makes me chuckle.


  6. That's more like it! Welcome back John.
    Constance is a nice strong name for a dog, I guess. What was your grandmother's name? I named Sophie after my Great-grandmother, Sophia....never knew her but heard she was a very strong-willed lady....had to be, considering some of my ancestors.

  7. Constance was my mom's mother's name. She never seemed like a Connie, but that was a nickname she had. From the stories I've heard about her, I'm thinking Connie would be a very good name for a female pooch!! I bet you think Baby Rocket Dog is a fluffy name! If you knew her, you'd know it fits her to a T...She's a big sissy baby plus she runs like the wind.
    So cool that Kate Winslett has at least one little peep. Sure hope little Constance makes it to adulthood.

  8. Hey, I spoke with my friend today. She says it is quite hard to believe the dogs are "fighting" because of pack order since the one that died wasn't an alpha. She did say they might be trying to restablish an order in the omegas though. However, she did say that there are so many different variables that it could be hard to pinpoint. But the main fact is that none of the dogs are trying to reach the appha dog status. I personally think there could be something else going on like they could very well be grieving for their loss or In my opinion, establishing a whole new pack order.
    She says she has never seen that before though.

  9. alison, things seem to be quieter now, just the one huge flash point..thanks for your ideas
    perhaps Maddie was more the alpha female than we though

  10. The only Constance for me is a radiant Raquel Welch, meeting her rather unpleasant fate - strangled with a rosary - at the hands of a sublimely evil Faye Dunaway at her icy best.

  11. i didnt like the remake bel.....a bit too slap stick for me.....Faye Dunaway was very good though!

  12. Slapstic? Part two is one of the great romantic tragedies! And a cast of such beauty - male and female - that it takes your breath away. I guess this is one where we have to agree to differ - again!

  13. i expect you has a "thing" for michael york!

  14. My daughter has a chinchilla named Basil. She also calls her car Jeffrey. Might be with a G...I'm not sure.


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