Everyone's brooding

Like my birds, I have been somewhat broody today. I received the final bill for Maddie's care, which was efficient if not just a little unthinking of the surgery given that the old girl died only a few days ago.
I drove up, and paid the bill and gave in my letter of complaint which I addressed to the entire practice staff. I made a point of thanking one of the nurses that has been particularly professional with me, but underlined just why I was leaving their practice. It's all a bit sad.
The whole thing has left me broody and somewhat irritated.
The weather is scorching this afternoon, and it is too hot to get stuck into the weeding. I have given the broody hens an extra feed and water, but have left Nell, the old runner duck on her eggs inside the duck house

Blanche (left) is an old hand at incubating and two of her eggs are hatching as we speak. One other chick was dead in its half hatched egg and I removed it carefully. The first chick looks like one of the black hybrids.

Lilly( left) has not hatched out any chicks before although being the eldest buff I have. She is so broody, she has hardly eaten and drunk anything over nearly three weeks, despite being "encouraged" to do so.

Kate Winslett the youngest buff is a little heavy footed when sitting on her eggs and has accidentally smashed 4 of them so far.Each one had a tiny chick inside which is a shame. She has only 4 intact eggs left!
With Chris jetting in between Halifax and Quebec my usual Saturday routine of banter, bickering, and shopping has been curtailed. I have taken the opportunity of reorganising our files, bills and other paperwork "things", so the kitchen resembles the study of a particularly unorganised professor.
Once I get the whole sorry mess sorted, the happier I will be today.
Have a good weekend everyone


  1. You handled 'firing' the vet very well. Do you have another vet lined up?
    Being new to chickens ( only a year of having them), broody hens really are puzzling.
    Your table looks a lot like mine did a few weeks back when I finally organized and filed all the paperwork. It sure is nice when it is all done. How long it will last is anyone's guess! Ha Ha

  2. Hello John! Good for you for letting the vets office know what you think and 'firing' them...I think they were very calloused to send you the bill so soon. One of my older Buff Orpington hens (Buttercup) seems to become broody quite often. She became broody a few weeks ago but got over it more quickly than usual as I took all the plastic eggs and golf balls out of the nesting boxes and kept taking her off the nest to drink water and eat. In the past that hasn't helped much but this time it worked. She tried to hatch eggs once..or rather I put a bunch under her to hatch but she broke some of them and when I went to lift her off the nest to eat...she had 3 or 4 eggs stuck to her underside! What a mess...none of them hatched unfortunately. Anyway good luck with all your 'momma's' and I look forward to pictures of your new chicks! Good luck getting your papers etc organized...I'm terrible at keeping my desk cleaned off and papers organized! I hope you have a wonderful day...keep cool....Maura ;)

  3. So glad you were able to calmly fire the vet. I would be screaming "---- ---- ----???? !!!!" etc.

    New babies today? How nice!

    I need more than a table to "organize". I have done it so many times, and then DH will start again, lay it on the china, lay it on the buffet, the fireplace, the table, his side table, night table. Then he will say... "Where is ___?" We have pack-a-stack and file-a-pile everywhere. It just gives me over-lap, over-load!

  4. Poor service.....let them know. We don't do enough of this. Sometimes I wonder who is doing whom the favour....the business or the client!

  5. You handled that with class John! When I did that same thing it a few years ago, I was less than gracious about it!!

    By the way, I'm broody too--Our internet is really spotty, and my poison ivy is getting worse...I'm no fun!!

  6. Good for you for telling that practice exactly what they did wrong, and why you are leaving them. Hopefully, your well thought out complaint will be taken to heart and will help someone else in the future.

    Organize? What's that?

  7. Its good you wrote the letter. It will make feel some better I bet.

    The heat here is enough to make a person feel broody and I am guessing your heat is doing the same to you guys...

    Have been doing a bit of the organizing thing here as well today! Have a lot more that needs doing!

  8. Hi John,

    This is the first time that I've visited your blog and I am so sorry that it is at such a sad time. Like so many others, I too know the pain of losing a beloved canine 'best friend'. When my favorite dog in the whole world died I thanked God for the 8 years that I had him but debated if I ever wanted to get another. The pain was just so unbearable. Like you, however, I decided that the years of joy and love that they give us more than make up for the tears and emptiness when they leave this world.

    I am sorry for your loss. Sorry for the lack of professionalism shown by the veterinarians that were supposed to be caring for her. Bless you for giving her a good life and for loving her. She was a lucky dog...

  9. Sure hope Kate's other eggs make it through. You are allowed to be a bit broody. It's been tough for you lately. Wish there was something I could say to make it better. Hang in there.x-c

  10. Do your broody hens act like extras from jurassic park? Mine are pure evil. Its typical I've been waiting for one to go broody for ages now I've got 5.

    Fingers crossed all your eggs hatch out and are little girls.


  11. I know exactly what you mean. After our MoJo passed, the nasty vet who we were forced to use for the emergency call we made to have her put to sleep(she fell into horrible seizures on a Sunday morning)sent us a bill on the next day, adding $100 charge for having come out to our home to treat her(we live 10 minutes from his place) and then put a statement at the bottom of the bill that we would be turned to collections if we don't pay this on time. Mind you, I have never, ever even had a bill-we always pay at the counter as soon as services are received. I was pissed. Pissed. Some other vets at that practice I hear send actual letters of condolences to the owners of pets who have died. Not that guy. I quit him that day, after driving down to the practice and paying his stupid bill in person.


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