Before & After

Fox watch has dominated my life for the past five days or so. I have not had time to catch up with blog reading (apologies) nor managed to catch Nu and other friends on the phone......By the time I have locked up the last girl....then walked the has been way past 10pm! And not one of the bird brains have realised the sacrifice I have made for them! Anyhow even when I finish on the field (no fox sightings today) I still have all the garden planters to water, the dogs to feed and the washing up to do.....there is not enough hours in the day!
Anyhow the extra time on the allotment has been useful, I have weeded most of the veg beds, painted the last hen house and have titivated other bits here and there.

I have posted a photo of the field before I got my grubby little hands on it...and there is one taken more recently.......I need an apprentice! there is too much work for one person!
Anyhow I have just had time for a glass of wine, a brief blog and a bath and me and the dogs are off to bed...Chris is working away again.I bet he is happy to be away to a fox free zone


  1. What a coincidence--I was just reading your post and a fox scampered across our yard--I hardly ever see them. He was beautiful, but I know he's an unwelcome visitor to so many!

  2. Looks great, John! How long did it take you to go from start to now? (you won't ever be finished, right?) You sure have done tons of improvements!

  3. That's where you've been. Ever thought of (this may sound strange) urinating around the property. This can fend off wild critters. We do it here and we have no problem yet with animals but it's a little easier because our place isn't as large as yours. It's a thought.....start saving up your pee!! Wouldn't hurt to try and you could get the work done.

  4. How do you find the time to get so much done? There is always something to do isn't there!
    The yard looks great.
    Maybe the fox finally went away after watching you, watching the chickens, for five nights now. You may have just waited him out!! lol

  5. yes
    been peeing around the perimeter all day!!!!
    and have the diet coke cans to prove it

  6. Looking pretty good. I love the pics


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