Turkey sex

I moved Bingley, Lizzy,and Kitty the Bourbon red American turkeys (with Jane the single slate turkey) down into the pig house a while ago now. All four of them seem to dislike their quarters with a vengeance, and spend most of their day marching up and down the perimeter fence gazing up at the other poultry way up the field.
I have wondered about this yearning for escape, so today I planned some covert observation. Before I replanted some runner beans, I let the female turkeys out of their enclosure and watched what they would do.
As one the three girls marched the length of the field and immediately joined Boris, Theresa and Gloria. As soon as they reached the older stag, all three females immediately "relaxed" and literally sat down in the grass and waited to be.....well.......to put it bluntly..........well shagged!
It was as though all had responded to their biological urges and had "picked" the older, bigger and obviously "alpha" male in order to fulfill their needs!
Above is a photo of all three girls having a post coital relaxation (if they could have smoked a cigarette, I think they would have done)
Poor Bingley...I think they know he is firing blanks!

With all this sex in the air, I am glad we are off to see sex-on-legs Russell Crowe in the potentially awful Robin Hood later.......review later!


  1. Gee, I'll never think of turkeys in the same manner.....thanks John! Turkey contraception......go figure.

  2. Good Sunday, John!
    I hope you get some baby turkeys out of that, or do they just enjoy that? I believe the girls would much prefer a Russell Crowe type rather than a plain old turkey!

    Enjoy Robin Hood, I will be waiting for your review!


  3. Well, sounds like the turkey girls are satisfied. :)
    Youngest daughter saw Robin Hood Friday night. I will wait to see what you said about it and find out if your review is the same as my daughters! Crowe is nice eye candy though! :)

  4. I've been informed mr crowe gets his shirt off........


  5. Happy turkey ladies! Now they'll be demanding to make the trip every day.

    I'm anxious to hear your review of Robin Hood, also. I want to see it, though I'm going in with the preconceived notion that it can't be as good as the 1938 Errol Flynn version.

  6. Makes me think of the Christina Aguilera song "What a girl wants." The words seem pretty appropriate here because they say "What a girl wants
    What a girl needs, Whatever makes me happy and sets you free, And I'm thanking you for knowin' exactly What a girl wants, What a girl needs...
    ~~ Bottom line, I think you AND Bingley made their day!! :-)))

  7. I grew up on a farm in Iowa. We didn't have turkeys, but we did have chickens. When I grew up and went on to college, I had no problems understanding the term "pecking order."

    And I always been intrigued by their matter of fact attitude about sex. It was all about getting it done with the least amount of fuss. I think that my mother probably excelled at that.

  8. Can't stand Crowe! xxx

  9. So glad to be educated so bluntly on the eve of getting my little innocent(or so I thought) baby turkeys...ha!
    Poor Bingley. I hope you gave him a treat and shielded his eyes from the scenes unfolding around him!:)

  10. golly...turkeys do it, the bees do it, seems like we all do it... let's do it, let's foul in love!


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