Up with the lark- Flower Show plans, painting and poor Rogo

It is amazing what a good sleep can do for a constitution! I went to bed at 9.30 pm and got up at 8am feeling rather washed out, but miles better than I did.
This morning I kicked myself up the arse and got on with jobs that needed doing.
All of the Flower Show committee members (me included) forgot to attend the last meeting so this morning I went around to auntie Gladys' (above at last year's show) to rearrange the next meeting for the 5th of May.
This year we have been donated 2 extra trophies so we have 14 cups to present as well as two new "Judge's Special" rosette prizes for best flower entry in show and best vegetable entry in show.
I have also been proactive in collating suggestions to where some of the Flower Show proceeds can be donated to this year. The Flower show historically has always supported village needs so at the next meeting we can discuss the proposed "good causes" and hopefully sort out donations accordingly.
Our Village Show has a wonderfully dynamic committee team. Sylvia our Show Secretary and Irene , the previous Show Treasurer have been instrumental in keeping the show going for many, many years and have done so without the recognition that is sometimes required . They, like the many "unsung heros" of such volunteer events past and present, sometimes never really get thanked for all their hard work....our village show would never have survived without their efforts as well as the contributions made by previous committee members that still live in the village but have now retired.
Anyhow enough of this back slapping

This morning I have started to paint all of the 13 hen houses a "traditional" green colour, which will satisfy my OCD tendencies and make the field look a little neater.
With the new chicken wire fences in place, escapees into the old churchyard have been minimal today!!! but after discussion with a few locals I have now decided to erect a larger chicken wire fence to screen the entire Church wall. It will take the summer to complete (money permitting) but then finally the "problem" of the odd wander lusting old hen walking on the Church grass will be finished

Rogo is still with us but remains dreadfully poorly. I gave him his last antibiotic this morning and syringed sugared water into him. Which he took without protest.
I took this photo of him as he sat on my knee (forgive the bad angle) and gave him a little cat food which he also took, afterwards.
I doubt he will survive overnight , and some of me feels as though I should have culled him today, but I will have him another day.
He has been a good protective Cockerel over the last few years. Always quick to stop any chicken fighting and always first to face any potential predators.......The cockerels' innate ability to protect their own, never ceases to impress and move me


  1. I don't believe I could judge someone's pride and joy. I wouldn't have the heart, nor know if it was better than another.

    The chicken houses look great. Hmm, green is traditional color of a hen house?

    Sorry about Rogo, I keep hoping he will come out of it :(

  2. Sorry to hear Rogo is still poorly. I have a blue silkie rooster that isn't doing well, either. He had a splash hen with him who died a few weeks ago over the weekend. She only had one eye, but had been doing okay. I can only assume she had infection in that eye. But now the rooster just sits around with his head hung down. I've given antibiotics, but it doesn't seem to help much. Afraid he may not last either.

  3. Your community appears to be a welcoming one......a good sense of cooperation. Lucky you are!

    Rogo sounds like he is quite a character.....hope he rebounds and again keeps the chickens in their place.

    A group is attempting to get a chicken by-law, by which to permit the raising of chickens. Lots of opposition especially in the more urban part of Halifax.Will see how it goes.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. OCD huh? Really like the green color. Yes, it blends in very well with the pasture/landscape.
    Oh, I can relate to OCD. Have it myself. lol

  5. I have put in several flowers this year! I just purchased some wonderful seeds that I will start and plant this next spring! I am trying all sorts of different ones! Since I have found that starting things from seeds is not difficult :O) I am very excited... Such a $$ saver starting from seed :O)...

    I got some annual seeds and then some perennials as well..also lots of herbs!

    I think my decision to plant my florals and my veggies all together from here on out is a good one! So far its working well.


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