Vegetable beds ready for planting

here's hoping it goes on the blog


  1. Very impressive.

    I've decided I've got too much on this year for veg, it would be a pressure rather than a joy.

    Although I'm going to still plant some pumpkins I think.

  2. pumpkins are easy Dan... plant them around sweetcorn, they do very well together

  3. You are getting ready to plant and we are waiting for the ground to thaw. I like your garden and your little covers to keep the plants warmer. I started some peppers but killed the basil, tomatoes and petunias I was trying to grow. Hope your garden does better.

  4. When you are enjoying the fruits and vegetables) of your labor, I will still be waiting for it to ripen because I think it's going to be at least another month before anything can be done in our yard!

  5. Thanks for the visit. I see I'm not the only one ready for spring a planting. I just start tomatoes seed on peat pellets and aslo a few sugar snap peas. I still have to get the bed ready.

  6. With Spring on the near horizon, it is time to get ready for planting. Our ground here is very rocky so I plant in containers. Your garden area looks wonderful. And I love listening to your voice.

    I can relate to the middle age thing. Skin more dry now, wrinkles where there weren't any, grey hair, etc.... Even though I am one year away from turning, um, half of a hundred, there is no way that age is going to get me to thinking I am old! Mind over matter! :)

  7. Thanks for the grand tour of your alotment. Everything is so flat and orderly looking. (We're on steep forested land in Idaho.) Good job!!


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