shit happens

Every picture tells a story, and this photo is absolutely priceless...
Grandma barfing into a rubbish bin...(in a sort of weird way) made my day......
Thanks to Mark, whose blog I nicked this from


  1. Pinkie saw the photo of barfing grandma and felt amused (she's never amused when we barf in the lounge) so that's what attracted us to suss your blog out. But then it got better, we saw black and tan!
    We'll hope to see you over at our blog soon!!

  2. Who is the intent looking fellow? And the lady standing? She appears to be oblivious to your Grandma puking or she is pretending she doesn't know what is going on! Yes, a pic that speaks tons!

  3. I love the long suffering look on the fellow face. Priceless! Poor Grandma. Well, at least she has her barf bin handy. It's terrible when you have to run for the bin. The lady reaching for the booze has that "what?" startled look that speaks. Yes, definitely a one of a kind photo.


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