Phone Box ideas, Sorrel checklist and Scotty

On my way delivering eggs this morning I noticed that the village phonebox has a notice on it informing the public that it is no longer viable as a working public phone. The notice suggests that the council or the community council purchase the box, for whatever use they may want to put it to, and I was reminded of the village of Westbury in Somerset, who bought their own phonebox and converted it into a mini lending library (see above)....I may suggest this initiative to Islwyn who is on the community council!
The pensioners in the sheltered housing in the centre of the village may well appreciate a load of smutty Jackie Collins' paperbacks within easy reach!

With Sorrel visiting tomorrow, I have spent the day ticking off, the "Operation Sorrel checklist"
so I have:-
Cleaned and made up the spare bedroom,
picked garden flowers for each room,
Got some extra heaters insitu (Thanks Geoffrey!)
Shampooed the carpets,
bleached the kitchen from top to bottom
Cleaned,polished and buffed up everything in sight
and finally weeded some of the garden which I missed a day or so ago.

Tomorrow I will do some baking and will dive into the bathroom with a mop and bucket....she's worth the effort!

The Sad news today is that poor old Scotty died this afternoon, the vet said that he may have had coccidiosis, seeing that the weather has been so wet and damp for months now.....I think I disagree on this as he had no blood in his droppings and the quickness of his deterioration doesn't quite fit with her possible diagnosis.
The other hens look all ok.....except for Jesus , who somehow had got himself into a fight with the Smaller but more aggressive Rogo. He had a bloody head this afternoon and looked incredibly quiet and tired.....With Scotty gone, I am getting a little paranoid about the others


  1. Sorry to hear about Scotty. Hope Jesus will recover from the fight. I love the bookcase telephone box. You are way ahead of me in the garden department. At the rate I'm progressing there may not be a garden until next year.

  2. I'm so sorry about Scotty. Hopefully, Jesus will be OK. I'm impressed that you have flowers to pick. The snowdrops and primroses are out around here, but that's it. Though the daffys have buds.

  3. louise I have only picked daffs!!!

  4. Sorry about Scotty. Cool inmobile book mobile. LOL I like it!

  5. It must be lovely to have such a good relationship with your MIL, mine is a monster, but anyway.

    That phonebox library rocks! what a brilient idea.

    Sorry about scotty, I hope jesus is ok, Ben my light sussex boy had a minor scuffle once that left him looking like he'd been a slasher movie, when I cleared him up the damage was tiny, white chikens and blood.


  6. tell me more about your MIL jess!!!

  7. Oh, poor Scotty. Sometimes they just die but we never know why.

  8. Do you have a diagnostic lab where you can send expired chickens? UC Davis is close by, and the vet school operates a lab that is free to backyard chicken owners. They tell you what your bird died of, so you'll know how to medicate the others if that's necessary. In general, I've noticed that Orpingtons don't seem as hardy as some other breeds. Anconas are the toughest chickens on my place. Sorry about Scotty, it's a bummer to lose one of your babies.

  9. Sorry about Scotty, don't be shy to add apple cider vinegar to the feed, do you have tea tree or neem oil? When a coup is freshly cleaned out molds get loose in the air, it is a vulnerable time for birds. Sorrel is so lucky you love her so much. She probably gets a good giggle reading about how you are getting things ready for her, and it makes her feel very special (as it should) I would imagine. I do like a clean house too, and when I do clean I sterilize with steam and vinegar. It would be the worst thing if someone got sick from a dirty kitchen. Now get back to work . . . peace

  10. ruth,I have increased apple cider vinegar in the feed and water

  11. Aww, I'm so sorry about Scotty. You certainly tried your best and showed her a happy chicken life.

    Wonderful idea about the telephone booth.

    Your sister is a lucky girl.

  12. Anonymous10:37 pm

    That library telephone box is ace!!!

  13. yes houdini
    its a great idea!! hope we can do the same in our village

  14. john if it is cocci. the hen had then he(the vet) should have given you medicine to treat the rest with pretty dam quick.or do you think i should need to clean my rifle?

  15. Sorry about Scotty.

    Great idea for the phone box!

    Geez, you have been very busy! Have you been able to find a few minutes to rest?

    It must be wonderful to have a nice mil!

  16. ned I know its not cocci
    but could be blackhead parasite!
    lets wait and see

  17. Sorry about Scotty John, I love this idea for the phone box - we have "adopted" our village phone box for this year at least, but it's hardly used, and this looks like a much better community idea.


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