Dydd Dewi Sant Hapus

Happy St David's Day!
(Remembering Welshies across the ocean)


  1. Thanks sweetie! Champers has been quaffed, Bread of Heaven sang; even saw Tom Jones in concert at the weekend to top it! Love you! xxx

  2. Happy St. David's Day to all the Welsh people out there.....I'm not one of them...LOL

    Gill in Canada

  3. Happy St. David's Day! I had to go look it up, silly Murican that I am. What's with Tony Blair NOT making it a bank holiday? I'm all for holidays.

  4. Oh Happy St. David's Day to you too!! (You know my Patrick is of Welsh heritage.)

    Hootie used to have a Welsh dog tag with his name and our phone# on it, but it got lost in Montana on our way down to Phx this winter. Phooey. It had the Welsh flag on it.


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