The open meeting at the village hall was an interesting bash. An official spokeswoman made a valid plea for the need of affordable housing for the village community but had to concede that the official feasibility study had yet to be commissioned and viewed.
Until then, of course nothing concrete will proceed, but I did feel sightly sorry for this woman who had to face some of the frustrations and anger from some people present.
The frustrations, of course seemed to be worries centred around three specific areas :
1. If the proposed ten houses are built then would there be enough village people to utilize them
2. In view of there being several empty houses present in Trelawnyd, why cannot the housing association purchase these properties?
3. Would the building proposal be just a start of further development? Development that the village infrastructure may not be able to sustain.
I think what was in fact needed was another open Community Council meeting so that the villagers could actually clarify some of the concerns that they have and where misconceptions and half truths relating to the whole process could be ironed out. But my suggestion that such a meeting was required was met by a less then enthusiastic agreement by some on the council.
I know affordable housing for the village young ( and there was a persuading plea for such housing from a young man I had never seen before) is needed as it is an every area, I just think that as in most initiatives there a substantive need for the community council to listen to the thoughts, worries, wishes and hopes of the community which they represent and to address these areas individually and with patience.
The presentation today, did go some way to clarify the issues.......but I must admit, there are plenty of other concerns that need addressing.
hey ho
low income housing = increase crime!
ReplyDeleteI think I'll take photos of our little town and show what growth did.
instead of buns...throw some of your eggs.
in the end, someone is making money and it isn't the village.
ReplyDeleteyou have a point.
Persoanlly I feel that the empty properties in the village ( there are at least 4 small cottages and several houses) could be utilized before a new build but what do I know?
If there IS a local need for affordable housing ( and I would like the research to be completely transparent)then there IS an arguement for developing some initiative or other) but the scale HAS to be limited and controlled
Mike and I used to live in low-income housing a little over a year ago. I know plenty of drug dealers, prostitues, hustlers, AND....wait for it......people who just lived off the tax payers dollars! With that being said, I could certainly go off on a tangent, but my case and thoughts are not the topic here. I'm not familiar with Trewalwynd (sp?), it's people, it's size. Affordable housing is great if managed properly, but I know of very few cases where that has happened. Most caretakers, supers, landlords, etc. don't care because, hey, it's low income housing! Maybe try BUNS OF STEEL!
The problem with social housing is the stigma associated with it...if there are ten households from the village that need this new housing...great! but we are yet to find out if this is indeed so.