Back to a dirty reality and field jobs

Sorrel went home this morning and she seemed to have enjoyed her visit very much, despite the gloomy weather.
Obviously it is nice for Chris to have her up here; my immediate and extended family all live nearby, so I suppose this fact does make Chris feel slightly isolated from his family from time to time.
Having said this, Chris does have a rather special and close relationship with Sorrel and together they do resemble a bit of a double act. They banter away all day long like an old married couple and obviously enjoy each other's company in a way I never ever experienced with my parents, yet, I never feel pushed out when they are together.It's just nice that they get on so well.

Anyhow, this afternoon I have regained my usual scruffy (and dirty) daily garb and returned to work on the field. The weather, we have have been told will take a turn for the worst, so all of my cauliflower seedlings have been covered safely with cloches and polytunnels.
The old guinea fowl coop that was broken into by the badger has been recycled into a passable shelter for Boris and Gloria (below), and not surprisingly the opportunistic hens have used it all day during the heavy showers we have experienced. Perhaps the turkeys will get a look in tomorrow.

Gloria's neck has just about healed since her rather nasty turkey poult attack. She has started laying eggs this morning too!


  1. I'm glad that Sorrel had a lovely time on her visit with you and Chris--It's nice that Chris gets along so well with her, and you do too!! So, with her departure it looks like your life is back to normal--Whatever that is, right?! ;-))

  2. Ahhhh muddy knees.


  3. Sounds like Sorrel spent a wonderful Birthday visit. Wow! I would love to have tea at that spot.

    Love how you have protected the seedlings. Hope they will survive the bad weather. It just started snowing here. Spring where are you?

    Kristine said she thought that chickens carry coccidiosis and don't come down with it unless they are stressed in some way? Our chickens have been through much worse than this and have been ok. So I hope for the best. With animals you never know what will happen.

  4. yes callie.... young birds get it dont they and if the weather has been constistantly wet coccoid lingers around feeders etc.....


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