The Windy Side of care

I am not a lover of Shakepeare, but I do remember being totally blown away by Emma Thompson's Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. It is the only filmed piece of Shakespeare that I actually understood and enjoyed!
When she uttered the words "Yea, my lord; I thank it (my heart), poor fool, it keeps on the windy side of care" I totally believed her
In my view she has never looked or acted better in her career!


  1. I totally agree! She made me a fan from that flick! But,those HIPS!

  2. Shakespeare...snore. I was never a Shakespeare fan. I didn't see that film...don't think I intend to. Then, I am battling a most annoying cold that I refuse to let ruin my weekend. It is sopposed to be warmish weather with a bit o' sun. Got unpleaseant news today, as the army is trying to put me out. But I have a trick up my sleeve that they aren't expecting. (No, it doesn't involve Don't Ask, Don't Tell) I just may be an officer before all is said and done. I couldn't find the nerve before, but sometimes (as sad as it sounds) it takes the worst for me to bring out the best in me. I'll post on Monday.

  3. Well, I think I've finally caught up on all your posts.Phew, I hate when I get that far behind. Now I'm off to post comment!
    Oh, btw, I hopped over to ChickenBoy's blog and had a real laugh at your comments about the sunshine award.You crack me up!
    "off to sulk in the cupboard under the stairs!
    I want to be alone....." Too,too funny. (In truth as a child I did hide in the closet under the stairs!) Okay, I'm outta here.xc

  4. I adore Shakespeare but think it is something that came with age, well actually it came about when I was trying to teach my own children to appreciate it. Needless to say I failed quite miserably (except for The Scottish Play) but hey ho....


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