Village Hall quietness

The Chicken course is going very well, and despite the weather , all of my "students" turned up this evening at the memorial hall.
We has a lively and rather animated evening of "chicken talk" which woke me up after last night's hospital shift
We finished the session at around 8.15, so while I waited for Pat the ever cheerful caretaker to come to lock the hall up, I had a peaceful amble around the deserted and silent village hall.

Although we have only lived in Trelawnyd for 5 years I have a great deal of affection for the village hall. (seen right at last year's Flower Show- I am standing by the table!).

Tonight I could imagine nearly a hundred years of history crammed into the very walls of the building, and although the Ghosts of the past could be imagined and recalled, I didn't feel at all ill at ease standing there alone in the dark.

Some buildings have a nice feel about them, I always think. Our cottage does to be sure, as does the Village Church, but the Memorial Hall has a certain lightness about it, which is hard to describe. I always feel comfortable and at home when I am there.
Off to's been a long day


  1. And here I thought the town turned out for your chicken talk! LOL
    It may happen yet!

  2. Ok, so all the people in the photo are not your students? Wow, that was really a big turn out for a chicken lesson.

  3. Hehe. From the above comments I see we're all a bunch of jokers. I was gonna say...

    I know what you mean about a building having 'that feeling'. I've also experienced that.

    Hope you have a good nights rest! x-c

  4. how many people are there in your village?

  5. I agree, certain buildings have a 'feeling' about them. There have been some I will not walk into. And there are others that have a peaceful, warm, inviting feel. The history in your town is fascinating. Oh wait, you already know that! :)

  6. jim we have under 500 I think. I guess there is around 120 houses in the village


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