Turkey Video

With my crappy old camera I took this brief video this morning.......


  1. oh how exciting! I tried to reach through the monitor and pet Boris, he acts just like my Franklin. thank you John, and we want more video's. I like to hear you talk.

  2. Oh John,I LOVED this!! I watched this video twice and it's great to have a voice with to go with your picture now, and Boris is one handsome turkey!! :-)))

  3. John, Boris is a handsome guy. Although I must say just watching him get so close all puffed up and red in the face kind of scared me a bit. He is a HUGE bird! Is he friendly?

  4. only with me AJ....he's like a big fat hen!

  5. Lovely stuff, John! As I've suggested before, you should use this camera to make Sleep Furiously: The Trelawnyd Version!
    Hollywood stardom beckons!

    Take care, pal.

  6. Alex "sleep furiously" was a beautifull looking film but rather an empty one...my version would be, shall we say, poultry oriantated!

  7. Holy turkey Batman! Boris is even more intimidating on video. A confession:I'm a bit afraid of barnyard animals.Okay in pens at the fair,but running around like that...I'm outa there!(If I were a bird I guess you'd call me a chicken.Bad pun intended.)
    Between Joanna's Southern accent and your British accent I sound just plain boring.:>(
    ps-I still have not been able to figure out how to make a YouTube video.

  8. Awesome, love hearing your voice. Boris is as gentlemanly as he should be, not one of my males will eat while the females are eating (except when I lay out a whole bag of feed), never had one that did. Thanks John, peace

  9. Your voice sounds deeper than normal on this video. Nx

  10. What a handsome fellow boris is.


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