
I can't sleep
Albert has brought in a live mouse and the whole household (1 cat and 4 dogs) are trying to catch the poor thing somewhere in the bedroom..... I have shut the door on them and am now having a cup of tea in the living room. Upstairs the noise is more frightening than the soundtrack of any horror film! and outside the guinea fowl have started to scream for the second time.....I have bolted out to the field with the torch twice now and have seen nothing
hey ho
Thank Goodness that Chris is still away


  1. The other night when we were without power, my cat was playing with a mouse--I was so cold and tired, I didn't even care--I just prayed she wouldn't bring it with her into the bedroom!

    I hope things settle down and are a quiet night!! Take care!!

  2. I hated it when my dogs used to bring me dead things. I would thing a live or injured thing would be even worse.

  3. Cats are great, most bring in mice or birds ours once brought in a rabbit

  4. Admittedly, cats can be cute and handy as mousers in the countryside, but where I live (the low-rent edge of surburbia) they can be a real nuisance, too - as the 'little messages' that my neighbour's felines have distributed evenly across my lawn in large amounts serve to illustrate. Any legal, neighbour-friendly suggestions would be most appreciated. Nx


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