
I absolutely loved "dinnerladies", the Victoria Wood ensemble piece about blue collar workers in a North England factory.
Wood created something quite special here, she revisited that quaint and thoroughly North Western humour, typical of 1920/30 musical hall and early cinema and gave it a specific Lanchashire/Manchester twist..
The double entendre's (mostly delivered in a deadpan intensity by a largely female cast) are bitingly funny,and the observation of a community that actually exists, (albeit in a tiny physical location) is painfully accurate, even if it is, of course exaggerated for comic effect
Nige I am sure you will have something more interesting to add to this one


  1. A classic scene, this. Love it.

  2. I love great dialog. My Mac wouldn't play this video, but I watched some clips on YouTube. The Dinnerladies are pretty funny.


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