
Well I didn't finish my shift tonight! As, when I was sitting comfortably at the computer terminal collecting blood results, I experienced a sudden mild headache and some blurred vision. I thought it strange and worrying enough to check my blood pressure and found it to be suddenly and dramatically elevated to 165/107.
One of the staff nurses came in my cubicle when I was taking off the blood pressure cuff and immediately took me down to A&E where I spent an interesting time waiting for the somewhat harassed senior house officer to review me.
Being on the receiving end of the heath service is an interesting experience for one who is usually the heath giver, and in the two and a half hours I was in the emergency department, I became just one of the many patients that turn up at this Godforsaken hour. On one side of me was the obligatory psychiatric self harming patient who wailed like a banshee, and on the other a sweet old lady with a fractured humerus. The usual collection of belligerent drunks burped and farted in opposite trolleys.
Over the waiting time, my blood pressure reduced a bit, and a polite young staff nurse performed an ECG.....which looked ok. The medics gave me a general examination, prodded and poked my nether regions (I had on my worst pair of underpants on!) then informed me that they will be writing to my own GP to initiate further investigations, but I was to return to the hospital immediately if I have the sight problems again!
Hey ho........yes a little sobering, but perhaps another product of being 47.....time to eat and drink healthier me thinks and lose some weight.......


  1. this is worrisome John, I know you won't discard it as trivial, if only you spoiled yourself as you spoil your charges . . . prayers for health, peace for all

  2. Yes! Do take good care of yourself. Ditto to what Ruralrose said. Time for some TLC for yourself.

  3. Oh please take care of yourself lovely man! This planet needs you (& so does this gal) xx

  4. That is scary. Not only is your blood pressure ridiculously high but your diastolic and systolic is way far apart. I do the opposite, too low and to close, and have to monitor mine. It is my thyroid that causes my problem. Take care of yourself.

  5. thank you everyone...I am hanging on!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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