vets again

I could have done without the dead badger.
At 9am I loaded the car with dogs and Albert in his pet carrier and drove to Caerwys and the vets.
I was greeted with the usual and ever-so-slightly resigned "Good Morning Mr Gray" from the nurses and receptionists who have seen more of me than my own family has over the past few months. The vet was running a little late, so leaving Albert safely in the car, I grabbed the opportunity to take the dogs for a quick walk.
As it turned out, the walk was a fairly bad idea for down a country lane the Scotties came across the delightful, putrefying body of a large badger.
With great deliberation Maddie and George nose dived into the carcass, rubbing themselves excitedly with the rough hair and tissue which had the consistency of watery fat. The smell was truly indescribable! and by the time I had shoehorned them into the boot and returned Albert to the surgery, I was almost puking out of the car window.
Anyhow, before I could get the Scotties home for a bath (above pic is George) , Albert had to come first. The vet could not rule out a re fracture of his old broken femur, but thought the old wiring was the cause of the problem. She gave Albert an anti inflammatory injection and booked him in for an xray and possible surgery tomorrow morning and pointed out a grossly swollen and painful looking knee joint. During all of this poking and prodding Albert lay in a good natured repose on the examination table, and even had the good grace to clasp the veterinary nurse's fingers gently in his paws when she came over after recognising him. He is such a sweet little chap.
It was cold on the way home what with every window open, and it took a whole container of dog shampoo (and a whole load of dettol) to get the stink of dead badger out of the dogs' coats.

The turkey poults are growing quickly now, and still look depressed

The hysterical guinea fowl chicks, contemplating more screaming and pointless running in circles


  1. This is the first I am hearing of Albert's trouble, must read down further to get the details, o my this must be weighing on you - you do so find yourself in the worst case scenario like with the badger, i did have a cruel little laugh picturing the drive home today, hydrogen peroxide in the water does an excellent job of getting rid of stink even from skunk, hope today is better, my thoughts will be with you and Albert, peace

  2. Skunks are such lovely animals. I met one a few weeks ago and was quite charmed. Needless to say, the stinky bit had been removed.

  3. must tell me.....pray how and where did you meet a skunk?

  4. This had brought that dreadul smell back into my nostrils after a similar experience a while back with our lot! Rotting badger is the single most awful smell on the entire planet!!Why oh why do dogs feel they have to roll in it??!! I do so hope that Albert gets fixed up, bless the poor little chap. The guinea fowl babies are such sweet looking little fellows :-)

  5. I've never even seen a badger, much less a putrified one! There must be some here in N.Idaho though, as the local high school mascot is the badger. The photo of George all wet is adorable. My 2 need baths too, but only because they smell like dog sweat.

    As a child I had a pet skunk---even descented they have a musky, woodsy smell. Smart little fellows though and a lot like a cat.

  6. You know me - I get around a bit!

  7. ahhhh....never a truer word.....


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