Smart pigs, pies and Nick Griffin

I have been re repairing the pig enclosure all morning, with a whole set of new stakes and sledgehammer it has been rather lumberjack-ish on the field!
Last night with smartness governed by the love of food, both girls broke through their fencing yet again, and set off on a raiding party to fill their faces with the chickens' layers pellets from the plastic feed hopper.
Unfortunately for the girls, I witnessed their break for freedom and cut them off at the pass, as it were, with a hastily grabbed yellow yard brush.
As Gladys (above) trotted up past the allotments, grunting excitedly to herself I jumped into view with the hated brush in hand.
Immediately she stopped dead, gave me the once over and realised that the game was up (If she could of muttered "oh shit" under her breath, I think she would have done!).
She also realised that she was in for the usual wrestling match and brush pushing in order for me to return her to the pig enclosure, so with tail stiffly erect, she let out a piercing scream and legged it!
Nora, who is larger and fatter than Gladys,was just squeezing herself through the hole in the fence and forewarned by Gladys' hysteria, immediately backed up and returned to her hut like a naughty little girl.

For me this was lucky as for the next 20 minutes I had to concentrate on cornering Gladys and with the yellow brush held in front of me like Alec Guinness with his light sabre from Star wars and rather expertly (I thought) ambushed her by the Jerusalem artichokes.Victoriously I then gave her a sharp smack on the rump which sent her screaming back to the pig pen in defeat!
Pigs just like dogs, know exactly when they have done something wrong
This afternoon, I made the most of local produce and picked a load of blackberries from the hedgerows. Now, I am not the best of cooks but even though I do say so myself I am a passable pastry cook, so I knocked up a blackberry and apple pie for tea with the ease of Mrs Bridges from Upstairs downstairs!
Is there no end to my talents?

This evening I will watch Question Time on tv with some interest. Nick Griffiin the odious BNP leader will I am sure manipulate his way to some sort of credibility during the televised discussion programme, and will I am certain hide that dark side of the party in favour of pandering to middle Britain's fear and irritation of immigration.
I hope that the other panel members highlight the BNP leader's "dark" disgust in gay rights issues and his denial that the holocaust never actually took place...perhaps then people will actually see him for what he actually represents!
Racist and homophobic scum!


  1. Did you watch it? What a complete pillock that man is!

  2. Yes Tracy I did....I have plentyto say,and will do so later today on the blog ( with a nice glass of calm wine)
    suffice to say that I stillhave worries that his supporters will only see what they want to!

  3. Is there a such thing as a rambunctious wine? I'd love some of those blackberries with a big bowl of vanilla ice cream. Mike wants to get a pot belly pig. No, has been my definite answer, but he's rather persistent. I'm afraid I may succumb.

  4. read my next may change your mind on the pig!

  5. I can picture the whole pig round up vividly. One Kirby found the fallen apples in the orchard it was almost impossible to keep her away from there. (Fence? What fence?) I have spent the last few months constantly picking up apples.


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