Poor Albert

Albert went missing this morning. Now, I know it is usual for a tom to disappear from time to time, but Albert has a clear and easily readable routine and "not being around" is not usual behaviour for him. Before shopping and the usual weekend jobs were completed I searched the gardens, field and graveyard but could find no sign of him.
So with that nagging worry that all is not well, I took the dogs for a walk down the now leaf strewn Gypsy lane (below), took some Autumn photos of the most photogenic William (above) and then remained busy for the rest of the day.

By 5pm the little fella still had not appeared, so I decided to re check the garden. After a half hour of poking under every hypericum bush I found him cowering in the dark!
The problem was of course the leg he broke last November, he was holding it up and would not put any weight through it. My heart sank.....to me, it looked as though he had re fractured his old break!
We placed him in the spare bedroom with some food and water ( which he ate) then checked is leg which seemed to be warm, but incredibly tender.
The emergency vet has booked him in for Monday for a full review unless he stops eating or his foot suddenly goes cold tomorrow.....then I will have to rush him in for some immediate action.I am doing an extra shift at the hospice on Monday too!
Bless, the poor little chap has been through so much already.......there is always something isn't there?.
ps I didn't post a photo of Albert given his condition!

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