Neuro vascular observations

Neuro-vascular observations continue two hourly in the intensive care unit of the spare room.
Albert's leg remains warm (thank God) but he is still not weight bearing,so obviously he has damaged himself fairly badly. He is, however eating and drinking fine, so hopefully I won't have to rush him into the vets today, but I just won't count on that just yet.
He will be xrayed tomorrow afternoon, then a decision will be made .....I can't believe it is only 9 months since he broke his leg originally.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Albert, something similar happened here some time ago. One of our cats went missing for three days and came home with a pronounced limp the vet at the time just gave her a painkilling shot and all was well after about a week or so. About a year later she was found wide eyed and trembling in the garden, unable to walk. Apparently she had disloated her hip this time and the x-ray revealed that her previous injury had been a fracture of the other hip. Now she isn't supposed to leap / jump etc but you try telling that to a cat who regularly uses the upstairs windows as a cat flap ...
    Hope all goes well for Albert


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