
I don't scare easily in my own environment.....The field is attached to the ancient graveyard and I can quite happily walk from one to the other in the dark without getting that teenage "horror film" prickly panic in the back of my neck that used to initiate that flight/fight reaction of running back up the stairs to bed!
Having said that certain horror films can freak me out, especially ones that incorporate suspense rather than pure horror.....The Blair Witch Project (1999),El orfanato The Orphanage (2007) and El espinazo del diablo The Devil's Backbone(2001) are prime examples of movies that have had me screaming like a girl!

Last night I experienced a repeat of a sort of a ghostly phenomenon. When I take the dogs out for their last "wee" break, we all have a wander up the lane parallel to the six foot Church wall, a couple of times now the dogs have stopped "dead" as we pass the garden of a bungalow which is situated right next to the Church gate. All four have not been frightened , they do not bark or growl ( with the exception of Maddie who always growls very quietly), but on three occasions they have paused to stare at a point in the garden which is away from any bush or tree but is around my eye level.
The moment lasts only a few long seconds, but it is unnerving in the respect that all four dogs react in the same way, and at the same spot! and William has been intrigued enough to sit and stare...which is very normal for Welsh terriers when they see something they don't understand.
Have I an answer to it? No I haven't. Always there is nothing to for me to see or hear to concern myself
Am I that bothered about it?
Not really, but I have found the repeat of this experience (albeit only three times in four years) somewhat strange........
Did I hurry back to the cottage afterwards....without a backward glance? I didn' try running down the lane with two scotties......they wont be rushed even with the devil behind them!
Still snotty today, but certainly better. I will be delivering a spare cockerel to a customer later . One of my old black "hookers" is looking a little droopy this morning and I suspect she is fading somewhat..I have treated her with some antibiotics and poultry tonic....but I guess old age is just catching up with her...
Off to the cinema at Theatre clwyd later to see the Polish film Katyn later

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