Absent moment

As it turned out last night turned into a bit of a marathon of phone calls. By late evening I was all talked out and when Chris returned home going on midnight, we were both shattered,
I couldn't believe it this morning when I woke to the delightful strains of Maddie emptying her bowels merrily on the hall carpet, to find every hen out of their coop!
With all the talking last night, I had forgotten to lock up the 9 hen houses!!! The ducks and turkeys I had put away at the usual earlier time, but I had totally forgotten the hens!!!
A quick head count reassured me that all "bums were on seats", but I do realize that they were terribly lucky not to be killed by a passing fox.


  1. we are only the stewards, nature and karma are always in charge, looks like you are covered, peace

  2. Glad your birds stayed safe - someone was smiling down on you :-)


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