New Girl

Yesterday I noticed that there was a white sussex in the churchyard. Nothing new in that fact, but it was BEFORE I let the hens out of their houses. Having a hen that does not go into her coop at night is rare, and usually a sign she has been sitting on eggs under a bush or in an old hedge, so last night I checked if all the whites had roosted on their perches and all had!
This morning, there she was again, sat on the Churchyard wall quite calmly and this time I carefully counted all of my white hens as they darted from the poop doors......all correct! when dropped the feed out I gave her the once over....
yep....I wasn't too surprised to find that I have another dumped hen to look after. The new girl looks a little old but is healthy and bright eyed. Of course she is too shy to be caught, so I cannot check her for lice and ticks, but at least she is a hen and not another cockerel!
I left her some corn and she shared it with the benign Susan, before coming down to wander unnoticed amongst the buffs and ducks. I forgot to photograph her this morning
I will make her (and Susan) some pasta before I go to work today-I am a soddin late shift to help with staff sickness.......
Nearly 1000 hits from the US readers!.....oh the excitement! thanks people.....


  1. no green tint.....and she looks rather OLD.......
    tee hee

  2. I find that so odd that people will just try to slip an animal in with a group, as if we would not notice. Why could they not just come to you and say they can no longer look after her. I never had that with chickens but when I was younger we always had the 'summer dogs', meaning people always got a pup for the cottage in summer but when fall came they did not want to take it back to the city so they used to drop off dozens of frightened dogs around the local farms. Not to mention cats and pet rabbits. People are better now regarding that at least, it has been years since a pet has been dropped off.

  3. Congrats on hitting the 1000 mark. I'm sure I must be at least 100 of them, as your blog has become "must see" reading!


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