Peas, peas and more peas

All the hard work on the allotment is now literally baring fruit as most meals are being harvested directly from our land. This afternoon I have made a cauliflower cheese with my own cauli and the three pea trellises are literally heaving under the weight of pea pods.
Tomorrow I will dig and sack up the rest of my potatoes and I will prepare cabbage and the rest of my peas for the freezer
There are just not enough hours in the day


  1. Amen to the comment about too few hours in the day. After working all day, I come home and tend to the garden and animals. By the time my day is over I get shower, have dinner, watch a half hour or so of the television, then off to bed. Give me more hours, or give me death!!

  2. What a nice bunch of peas. We have so few I just eat them out in the garden, barely more than a spoonful.

    So sorry to hear about your friend's hens. Fox are a constant problem here. But since we got the emu our hens seem less attractive to them.

  3. How do you keep it all going? My poor garden has been sadly neglected this year. I half heartedly popped in some seeds at the weekend, but with ducklings still in the garden I suspect they don't stand much chance!


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