Being thoughtfull

Well, it is not even 9am and I have been treated to a cooked breakfast, cards and gifts. I always appreciate people that are thoughtful with their time and effort and true to form Nu rang first thing with a hysterical and smiley "Happy Birthday" down the phone and my Nia (above) sent a card and pressie ( a book of Australian movie legends!!! -Russell has never looked better!) all the way from Oz! I have had birthday texts from Nige (happy birthday to you too) and the normal emails and thoughtful cards too
Chris will be working this morning, then I think he will suffer the indignity at being dragged around a garden centre after seedlings......
I need to buy a couple of day old chicks today if I can find some. Blanche the broody hen is looking terribly weak.....she needs a couple of babies to break her broody behaviour. We hens get so fixated, like she is, it is so easy for the bird to literally broody herself to death

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