
Now I know I am somewhat jetlagged today as I am cranky and rather actual fact "being quiet" is exactly what I need to be today as I have missed my usual self contained field days. Now I love my in laws dearly, but the constant chatter that accompanies being in their ( and Chris' company), whilst on holiday and beyond was a little bit too much....I have to remind myself that for most of the time I am content to be in my own company with only a few fairly silent animals for company!...I am such a crabby old fart, who is stuck in his ways!
After taking Richard to the station, I got stuck in with the field and garden chores. Grass needed to be mown, weeds cleared and the ton of seedlings hiding away in the old enamel bath all needed to be planted. Only one week ago I strimmed the entire field..within 7 days, the whole place looks overgrown and slightly untidy again........The warm wet patch has brought forth a super quick growth spurt from the weeds , grass and hedges.
I dropped off duck eggs, hen eggs and spare turnip seedlings to my Sister's co operative allotment and received broad bean, pea and sunflower seedlings in return. I planted these and also put in runner bean seedlings,parsnips, iceberg lettuce, marigold flowers ( a natural pesticide) and extra pumpkins and onions.
The ducklings were cleaned out yet again and were put into the sun to dry themselves off, and I prepared the smaller crate for the new hen chicks, which are just starting to hatch in the kitchen incubator.
This afternoon I cut the cottage lawn,weeded around the aquilegia (above) which has self seeded in the garden, cleared 7 days of pig latrine (a real disgusting job) and retrieved 3 dead mice from a testosterone filled Albert, who had joined the dogs and I on the field (the hens ate all three within seconds!)
I was so tired I didn't EVEN dare lay down to cloud watch......

1 comment:

  1. I got tired just reading all that! It's after 130am here though, so that might be why. Hey, my dogs mentioned Meg & William on their dogblog. he he. I am getting the biggest kick out of speaking through Baby & Hootie! I AM living vicariously through my pooches.


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