Second Chances and Back to Normality

I found myself slightly flummoxed this morning, as when I opened up the wooden ark out popped a fairly sprightly and brighter Susan! (above pic when she was a youngster!) I think Richard had actually mixed up the hens' names so after a detailed head count I worked out that the actual casualties were Robina and Shelley Winters (one of the Buffs)- which is sad.
I cooked some pasta this afternoon and Susan ate the whole portion, perhaps she has finally turned the sick hen corner
I picked up the Welsh terriers from the kennels this morning, and according to the kennel owner both had spent a sleepless week barking their heads off in doggy hysteria. I bathed all four dogs early and Meg and William have slept the day away, their first proper rest since we left for San Francisco!.....I am yet to catch up with my sleep!

The hens' eggs in the incubator are due to hatch within the next couple of days, I "bobbed" several of them with Richard in tow, and most seem to be housing a bouncing chick....let's hope so, I have tentative orders for at least 8 hen chicks from interested locals.
I have also conscripted five provisional members for my poultry course, which I am very pleased about, I am to start teaching it in June.

Richard goes back to Broadstairs tomorrow, and has spent much of the day shopping and lunching with Chris as I caught up with jobs. I did take him for some son-in-law/father-in-law bonding at tea time when we slipped to the pub (the village pub has just re opened!) for a couple of pints during which Chris played mom and cooked dinner.
Richard seems to have enjoyed his brief journey into the good life, and says he will miss the field, animals and especially the company of George and Maddie. I am trying to talk him into buying a dog..........

Richard's photo of young Rogo.

1 comment:

  1. You are all going to need a vacation to recuperate! Welcome back, glad you are home safe. Peace for all


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