Slutty Blanche

This morning I am waiting in for the lady to collect the unwanted cockerels. Finally the rain has come, which has been welcomed greatly, as my seedlings are all in need of some watering.
Blanche remains broody as hell, so has been "sin binned" as promised. As you can see , she is not in the best of condition at the moment, as she is half way through her annual moult, and this moulting takes a great deal out of hens physically, so much so, that they can sometimes deteriorate health wise as well as stop producing regular eggs!.
Sitting on a clutch of eggs whilst in this condition would probably finish her off (Blanche does not eat or drink well when incubating)
Richard (Chris' dad) is arriving on Monday for a crash course in animal care.Not only has he the hens to watch over, he will be looking after the scotties and Albert, as well as the pigs, ducks,ducklings and turkeys. The broody Elizabeth sat heavily in her rabbit hutch could well be a little labour intensive, as she has to be gently taken off her eggs three times a day to feed and water, so bless him, I suspect he will be more than knackered when we return.
I am very grateful for his kind acceptance to "babysit" as having a group of people coming in to check on the stock often results of something being missed, and with ducklings and broody hens that could well result in the death of an animal.
I am working all day tomorrow, so will have a cooking day on Monday, to ensure that Richard will have a ton of homecooked pies and puddings to munch's the least I can do.

1 comment:

  1. Heck if I had known that you were stocking the larder with pies and other homemade goodies I'd have flown over to watch your brood! Lucky Richard. You are sure quite a guy! I hope the dr.visit goes well. Make sure to get some decongestant so your ears don't bother you on the plane.
    Signed in under my dogsblog, but it's me, Cassie. Be well.


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