Osborn House,Wii play,Welly blossoms and sunburnt pigs

It's a mixed bag Sunday. Like today, yesterday was glorious, so after giving the dogs a good walk and stocking up the animals with food and water, we went to Llandudno for a walk around the shops. Chris treated me to lunch at Osborne House (above), which was lovely. We called down to Janet and Ned's in the evening. Ned's son and his girlfriend was visiting and had brought their Wii box thingy with them. Now I have absolutely no knowledge (or interest) in computer "games", but some of the physical balance games such as skiing and tightrope walking were incredibly clever and entertaining. Mind you anything can be fun after several glasses of champagne!

Today I have made the most of the weather, and typically am working nights tonight. The Church yard is quite pretty and natural looking this Easter Sunday, The council is responsible for the grass cutting maintenance, so unfortunately it will be give the usual "short back and sides" with the strimmer soon. The slightly scruffy old fashioned look , I think suits the place

The ducklings are all doing fine in the safety of the garden shed. All are putting on weight and have literally doubled in size in a week. Welly (above) is bright and seems happy enough after his close shave with death.
I will put some hens' eggs in the incubator in a week or so, the field is in need of some healthy young egg layers that will augment the older pensioners.

As I said, the weather has been quite beautiful and surprisingly hot. After digging through the medicine cupboard in the bathroom, I finally found an old bottle of sun cream, and gave Nora (who is quite bald on her back) a good creaming. She was quite put out by the whole experience and would not keep still for me to rub in the factor 30! I had to corner her with some pig food before I could massage it all in


  1. Dearest Bro,

    Don't forget to use the sun cream yourself

    Ann x

  2. Is this normal(putting sun block on a piggy)?? It sure made me laugh.


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